Complimentary Archived Video Inclusive leader Series: Diversity and Inclusion in Law Firms: Opportunities for Young Lawyers 04 avril 2019 While the proportion of lawyers from equity-seeking groups in the Ontario legal profession has increased, many choose to pursue careers outside of law firms and are less likely to become partners or hold other leadership positions.
Complimentary Archived Video Opportunity for Growth: Review of Proposed Cannabis Act 22 novembre 2017 The Cannabis Act, Bill C-45, proposes a strict legal framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis across Canada.
Complimentary Archived Video Diversify Your Portfolio: Explore Non-Traditional Career Paths for Lawyers 22 juin 2017 A law degree can be the foundation for a variety of employment opportunities outside of private practice.
Complimentary Archived Video CONNECTING YOUR PASSION WITH THE COMMUNITY: SEEKING OUT VALUABLE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 25 avril 2017 The Law Society of Upper Canada encourages lawyers to enhance the profession by sharing their knowledge and skills.
Complimentary Archived Video Career Planning and Financial Management for Lawyers 17 novembre 2016 Top of mind for many young lawyers is how to plan for and achieve financial stability and career success. Our panel of experienced professionals will share their strategies for career planning and financial management.
Vidéos archivées Expert Advice on Launching Your Legal Career: I Have My Law Degree, Now What? 30 août 2016 Back by popular demand, this must-attend event has been designed to meet the current needs of new Articling and LPP students. You will gain strategies on conducting legal research efficiently and writing a persuasive research memo. You will also obtain practical tips on how to negotiate in transactional work and succeed in motions court.
Vidéos archivées Corporate Law Basics 06 juin 2016 Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from expert practitioners and add valuable knowledge to your practice by building a strong corporate law foundation.
Vidéos archivées Small Claims Court Is No Small Matter - Learn the Essentials! 16 mai 2016 Master the fundamentals of litigating Small Claims actions from start to finish.
Complimentary Archived Video Be Your Own Rainmaker 16 mai 2016 his program will help you build effective strategies to master your client development skills and grow your practice.
Complimentary Archived Video Meaningful Mediations (Bilingual Program) 19 avril 2016 Get gold-standard tips and strategies for effective mediations. Gain insights on how to prepare for mediation, oral and written advocacy, and explore various negotiation styles.