Breaking From Work When You Work From Home

  • 01 mai 2021
  • Sina Hariri

Over one year ago, many of us stepped out of the office thinking that the closures due to COVID-19 would be short term. One year later, “working from home” has become the norm in many industries, with law being no exception. The pandemic has changed the fabric of how we work and connect with our clients, peers, colleagues, family, and friends. 

We’ve been fortunate that throughout the pandemic, we have had a variety of different mediums with which to remain connected—WhatsApp, Zoom, Facebook, and other technologies have enabled us to continue much of our work despite doing it in isolation. 

But working from home still presents challenges and difficulties even a year later. In conversations with colleagues, the two challenges they continue to express when working from home are how to “remember to take regular breaks” and “stop working and switch off.” 

Having been a sole-practitioner for many years prior to the age of working from home, these were issues I faced when “opening up shop” in my first year of practice. I never could have imagined that the strategies and tips I used to overcome these issues in 2011 would become the same tips I would rely on to work from home all the time a decade later in the midst of a pandemic.