Camera On: Starting a New Job During COVID-19

  • February 06, 2021
  • Andrea Daly, counsel, Department of Justice

I am certainly not the first person to tell you that a lot has changed since this time last year, when I shared my notes on networking. One COVID-19 specific challenge I faced is starting a new job in the virtual world. I won’t be sad to return to the office, but I will be taking a few lessons from the virtual working experience with me. Here are 5 socially distant tips for starting a new position:


Having someone in your corner is key to starting a new job. This person should be someone you feel comfortable approaching with any and all questions. If you don’t know anyone in the new workplace, try reaching out to another associate/student/individual that is close to your experience level. They’ll likely be able to answer questions and share their own experiences over a virtual coffee.


While it might be tempting to leave your camera off during virtual meetings, it’s worth making an effort to show your face, at least initially. Human connections have taken on a heightened importance during COVID-19, and opening yourself up to your colleagues will hopefully encourage them to do the same.