Articles 2023


Harassed in the Workplace? There Is Help.

  • 26 avril 2016
  • Anupa Ann Varghese

Our jobs can be stressful. The stress can come from a variety of sources such as difficult clients, grueling workload, and running a practice. But, what about stress that is not part of our jobs? I’m talking about the stress experienced by those who are being harassed by a colleague, a senior lawyer or someone in the workplace or opposing counsel. If you are experiencing harassment in the workplace you do not need to suffer in silence, there is help.

Forum des avocates

What's the Buzz?

  • 11 avril 2016

A compilation of links to articles, podcasts, and videos that may be of interest to members of the OBA Women Lawyers Forum. Have suggested content for this feature? Email the link to Justine Johnston at

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Ontario: An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment

  • 17 mars 2016

In March 2015, Ontario Premiere Kathleen Wynne introduced “It’s Never Okay: An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment” (the “Plan”). Some notable purposes of the plan are: expose the pervasiveness of sexual violence and harassment in Ontario; provide greater support to sexual violence survivors; and discontinue the norms and beliefs that sanction sexual violence and undermine its effects.

Forum des avocates

Women's Whole Health

  • 14 mars 2016
  • Hilary Furness

A case comment on Whole Woman's Health, a constitutional challenge of Texas' legislation restricting access to abortion.

Forum des avocates

What's the Buzz?

  • 14 mars 2016

A compilation of links to articles, podcasts, and videos that may be of interest to members of the OBA Women Lawyers Forum. Have suggested content for this feature? Email the link to Justine Johnston at

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Ontario Legislation in Focus

  • 14 mars 2016

A summary of Ontario legislation that may be of interest to members of the Women Lawyers Forum.

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Sole Practice: Tips, Tricks, Challenges and Opportunities

  • 14 mars 2016
  • Kathleen Robichaud

I went into practice on my own in the summer of 2000, about a year and a half after my call to the bar. A friend of mine had started her own practice doing criminal law. There was an office available beside hers. I decided to take the space and start my own practice while working on my L.L.M.

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Meet A Member

Meet A Member

  • 22 février 2016

This month meet a member of the Women Lawyers Forum Executive. Learn a little bit about your fellow section member, why she joined the executive and what she loves about being a lawyer.

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