Articles 2019


Considering Intersections: Client Services and Gender Discrimination

  • 27 octobre 2020
  • Birute Luksenaite, Founder and Lawyer, Portfolio Estate Law

I am a new member of the OBA Women Lawyers Forum Executive and I am excited to share my first article for the WLF’s article page and Section Insider. I wanted my first contribution to be something positive and inspiring for women lawyers, but a few experiences in my solo tax and estates practice (since launching it in 2019) raise certain persistent issues prevalent in our profession.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum
Amee Sandhu

Coping with COVID: 4 Reasons To Take A Family Hike

  • 22 octobre 2020
  • Amee Sandhu, Lawyer and Founder, LexIntegra

COVID-19 has been a challenging time with work, building a business, and my three kids (10 and under) at home for six months.  Even when not living through a pandemic, I find it difficult to make time to prioritize my health and wellness.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum

Let’s Talk About Imposter Syndrome in the Legal Profession

  • 22 octobre 2020
  • Thijiba Sinnathamby

An estimated 70 per cent of people experience feeling like an imposter at some point in their lives. While imposter syndrome affects everyone, women and in particular, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (“BIPOC”) women are uniquely affected by imposter syndrome. 

Forum des avocates, Student Forum

A Message from the Chair: 2020/2021

  • 29 septembre 2020
  • Rachel Sachs, Chair, OBA Women Lawyers Forum

Rachel Sachs, Chair of the 2020/2021 OBA Women Lawyers Forum, welcomes the OBA WLF community.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum
Meet the 2020/2021 WLF Executive: Richa Sandill, Daniela Pacheco, Barbara De Dios

Meet the 2020/2021 WLF Executive: Richa Sandill, Daniela Pacheco, Barbara De Dios

  • 25 septembre 2020
  • Barbara De Dios, Corporate Counsel, Canadian Dental Services Corporation

Over the next several months, we’ll introduce you to the members of our 2020/2021 OBA Women Lawyers Forum Section Executive. We look forward to connecting and building relationships with OBA WLF members, and looking forward to introducing ourselves to you. Here are the profiles of our first three WLF executive members.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Reflections on the Life and Death of RBG

  • 25 septembre 2020
  • Nandi A. O. Deterville, Vice-Chair, OBA Women Lawyers Forum

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been dubbed a trailblazer, a feminist icon, a beloved lawyer, justice, and leader, among many other superlatives, as reactions and reflections about her death have been published since the announcement of her death on Friday, September 18, 2020. Our very own OBA Women Lawyers Forum Vice-Chair has shared her reflections following these events, and includes some thoughts from follow executives.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum

Team Allyship: Collaboration That Includes the Whole Group

  • 24 août 2020
  • Barbara De Dios, Corporate Counsel at Canadian Dental Services Corporation

Facilitating change to our organization’s governance, management structure, policy and even social practices to remove unconscious and legitimized bias requires the work of multiple people, such as the Encourager, the Leader and the Mentor, among others with parallel objectives.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum
Illustration of a woman standing and watching leaves float in the wind

Redefining Resilience

  • 21 juin 2020
  • Rachel Migicovsky, Member-at-Large

What are lawyers worried about in the midst of a global pandemic? The issues are varied, from balancing childcare with work, to caring for vulnerable elderly family members, to financial concerns. Yet, there is a common thread: people are feeling the pressures of this moment in time and need a way to cope. In this article, Rachel Migicovsky discusses how building up resilience can help people acknowledge and accept the emotional distress they may be feeling.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum
Rachel Sachs, Vice-Chair

This is What a Lawyer Looks Like: Meet Alexandria Winterburn

  • 21 juin 2020
  • Rachel Sachs, Vice-Chair

The face of law is changing. In an effort to highlight the diverse range of individuals working across the legal landscape, we are pleased to present our new series, This is What a Lawyer Looks Like. The goal of this series is to put racialized and Indigenous women lawyers in the spotlight and amplify their voices in the conversation about gender equality. In this instalment: meet Alexandria Winterburn, a lawyer with a wealth of wisdom and experience in Indigenous rights and Aboriginal law.

Forum des avocates, Student Forum