Complimentary Archived Video Orders for Direction 16 mai 2023 Orders for Direction are becoming more common as Estate Litigation increases.
Complimentary Archived Video Capacity and Complex Financial Decisions 27 avril 2023 When looking to financial decision making, the issues of consent and capacity can come into play. Dealing with these issues can be challenging to address.
Complimentary Archived Video Evening with Estate Judges 25 avril 2023 Join us for a unique opportunity to hear from your Superior Court of Justice judges in a less formal setting than the courtroom.
Complimentary Archived Video Issues in Estate Administration 05 avril 2023 Estate Administration legal practice typically involves guiding the estate trustee through the probate process, advising them about their duties, and assisting them in the administration of the estate.
Complimentary Archived Video Arguing a Motion in Estate Litigation 13 décembre 2022 Whether it is an issue concerning an intestacy, testamentary trusts, guardianship, or even removing an estate trustee, effective advocacy in Estate Litigation is of the utmost importance.
Complimentary Archived Video Fiduciary Accounting: Key Issues and Practice Advice 28 septembre 2022 Trustees, estate trustees, guardians and attorneys for property all may be required to pass their accounts in the Superior Court of Justice in their role as fiduciaries.
Complimentary Archived Video OBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law 13 juin 2022 The OBA's Trusts & Estates Law Section is pleased to announce Ian Hull as the recipient of its 2022 OBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law.
Complimentary Archived Video An Evening with Your Honourable Estates List Judges 25 mai 2022 Join us for a unique opportunity to hear from your Superior Court of Justice judges in a less formal setting than the courtroom.
Complimentary Archived Video Strategic Advice for Effective Disability Planning 26 avril 2022 Estate planning in circumstances where a family member, particularly a child, is living with a disability can be challenging.
Complimentary Archived Video Using Registered Plans for Effective Estate Planning 12 avril 2022 Join us for a comprehensive analysis of what lawyers need to know about registered plans.