

Complimentary Archived Video

Tax Update

  • March 25, 2014

An essential review of the latest judicial, legislative and administrative trends in this area.

Trusts and Estates Law

Complimentary Archived Video

Fixing Broken Trusts

  • November 26, 2013

At times, we are faced with situations where a testamentary trust contains a drafting error not discovered until after the death of the testator or with a trust where unexpected circumstances are about to lead to unintended results.

Trusts and Estates Law

Complimentary Archived Video

De-Escalating the Family Feud

  • September 24, 2013

Improve your conflict resolution skills. You will learn how to facilitate more effective communication, help to eliminate defensiveness, calm heated disputes and set the framework for meaningful advice and counsel. Gain insightful strategies and practical tools.

Trusts and Estates Law

Complimentary Archived Video

Tax Update

  • March 26, 2013

Our speakers review income tax case law, legislative changes and CRA administrative developments from the past year which could (or will) have a significant impact on estate planning and estate administration...

Trusts and Estates Law

Complimentary Archived Video

Spousal Death Benefits After Carrigan: What Do We Do Now?

  • December 06, 2012

In Carrigan v. Carrigan Estate, the Ontario Court of Appeal rendered a decision on the mandatory spousal death benefit provisions under the Pension Benefits Act (Ontario) that surprised lawyers in the area of pensions, family law and estates law.

Family Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Trusts and Estates Law