No Bones About It: Critical Issues and Essential Updates in Trusts and Estates Law

  • February 04, 2015


Publication | Archived Video


Hear from leading practitioners and academics on key issues impacting your trusts and estates practice. Whether you are a litigator or a planner, get up-to-date on emerging issues, brush up on common practice challenges, and gather best practices for dealing with the extraordinary cases. Gain the essential knowledge to effectively guide your clients when their matters intersect with criminal or family law, and master the scope and limitations of privilege in the estate field.


Jane E. Martin, Dickson MacGregor Appell LLP
Ameena Sultan, Whaley Estate Litigation


Balancing Privacy Interests of an Incapable Person with the Responsibilities of Attorneys, Guardians and Section 3 Counsel
Justin de Vries, de VRIES LITIGATION

Legal Capacity, Decision-Making and Guardianship
Summary of Issues for Consultation

Sarah Mason-Case, Law Commission of Ontario

Capacity and Legal Representation for the Federal RDSP
Final Report June 2014

Sarah Mason-Case, Law Commission of Ontario

Indemnification of Trustees
Professor Albert Oosterhoff, Counsel, Whaley Estate Litigation
John O'Sullivan, John O'Sullivan Law
Sara Beheshti, Barrister & Solicitor

If the Worst Should Happen
Karon Bales, Bales Beall LLP
Annie Chu, articled student-at-law, Bales Beall LLP

Making Sense of Custody and Access Issues in Planning and After Death
Clare Burns, WeirFoulds LLP

The Extraordinary Testator: How to Identify and Deal with the Special Case
Norman Bowley, Low Murchison Radnoff LLP (Ottawa)
Mary-Alice Thompson, Cunningham, Swan, Carty, Little & Bonham LLP (Kingston)

Show Me the Money! A Beginner's Guide to Enforcing Money Judgments in Ontario
Trung Nguyen, Brauti Thorning Zibarras LLP

Restitution for the Elderly Client
Graham Webb, Advocacy Centre for the Elderly

Whose Privilege Is It Anyways?
Shael Eisen, Eisen Law
Archie Rabinowitz, Dentons Canada LLP