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Family and Estates law often seem to act as two sides of the same coin. Family lawyers need to understand trusts and estates law when putting together marriage contracts and separation agreements. Estates lawyers need to consider family law rights and obligations when developing estate plans and conducting estate litigation. Gain practical strategies and drafting tools for addressing the essential issues at the intersection of family law, and trusts and estates law.
Verlyn Francis, Francis Law Centre
Jane Martin, Dickson MacGregor Appell LLP
Death and the Matrimonial Home
Sean Lawler, Shibley Righton LLP
Dealing with Mental Health and Incapacity in Mediation and Negotiation
Lisbeth Hollman, Hollaman Estate Litigation PC
Adoption, Assisted Reproduction & Estates
Ian Hull, Hull & Hull LLP
Nick Esterbauer, Hull & Hull LLP
Family Law Act Elections: Who, What, Where, When and How?
Andrea Buncic, Hull & Hull LLP
Jordan Atin, Hull & Hull LLP
Key Issues in Property Division
Anne Slivinskas, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
How to Navigate a Dependant's Support Claim
Craig Vander Zee, Torkin Manes LLP
Using Insurance to Pay Support on the Death of the Payer
Barry Corbin, Corbin Estates Law Professional Corporation
Family and Estates Law Issues for Locked-in Plans
Ann Elise Alexander, CIBC
Tracing and Exclusions: Proving Your Case
Stacie Glazman, Stacie R. Glazman PC