Changes to the Estates List

  • November 25, 2013

Effective November 18, 2013, Toronto Estates list matters are now heard on the Commercial List. All matters will be heard at 330 University Avenue, 8th floor.

Practice Direction is to be adhered, except as follows:

  • Scheduling appointments are now being booked at 9:30 a.m. and are only being allotted 10 minutes for each appointment. Please note that as the Practice Direction for Estates matters has not been changed, counsel must be gowned for scheduling matters.
  • Pre-trial will be heard at 10:00 a.m.
  • Hearing request forms are now required for every matter being booked, this includes all adjournment requests being made (e.g. new form , new date )
  • CCB appeals will now be filed at 393 University Ave 10th Floor (Civil intake office)
  • Confirmation forms for hearings are to be submitted by 8:30 a.m. 2 business days prior to the hearing of the matter. 

There are new forms for confirmations and for urgent hearings.

Superior Court of Justice - Estates Court Request Form

Superior Court of Justice - Toronto Region Estates List Confirmation Form

The following new processes are in effect.

  1. You must first canvass suitable dates with opposing counsel/ parties and confirm with the estates office that the dates that have been selected are available with the court.
  2. To reserve scheduling or hearing matters on the estate list, counsel / parties are to contact the estates office to check availability of dates agreed upon by counsel. Once the available dates have been identified, send in a completed request form by fax or email.
  3. Please be advised that dates are on a first come first serve basis and may not be available at the time of your request form being submitted.  (It is recommended that you choose 3 dates and list them in priority sequence  on the request form and submit your form as soon as possible)
  4. Please also note that matters can still be booked at the counter only with a request form that is fully completed and signed by counsel/moving party.
  5. Please note request forms that are not completed fully will not be processed; parties are to ensure that all fields are filled in. 
  6. Staff will email or call the applicant/moving party on the request form, please ensure that the appropriate contact information is listed on the request form
  7. Once confirmation has been obtained and your matter has been booked, you may proceed to file your materials
  8. Please ensure when submitting request forms via email the subject line states: "HEARING REQUEST FORM"

The Estates List User Committee is looking for feedback about these changes to provide to the Bench before the next meeting (December 10, 2013).  Please e-mail or with your comments.