How to Manage Your Potential Liability as a Director February 06, 2012 Pascale Daigneault in collaboration with Anna Naud In November, the OBA’s Charity and Not for Profit Section held an interesting session for lawyers involved with clients in the not-for-profit and charity sectors.
Capacity and Representation February 06, 2012 Ameena Sultan "Section 3 Counsel” is the term used to refer to lawyers appointed to represent allegedly incapable persons in proceedings brought under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992, S.O. 1990, c. 30(SDA)
SSGP 2012: A CLE Odyssey February 06, 2012 Aaron Grinhaus As a Section, we have struggled to define our niche within the OBA. Our Section is comprised of myriad practice areas and deals with a wide breadth of issues. We often find ourselves on committees or research groups for a particular practice area representing the “voice” of the SSGP practitioners.