Oral Advocacy Boot Camp

  • September 22, 2014


Publication | Archived Video


Become an outstanding oralist and a more effective legal advocate.


Geoff Mowatt, Dimock Stratton LLP
Adam Keeping, Jordan Battista LLP


Successful Oral Advocacy: Making an Impact
Kathryn Podrebarac and Alan Melamud, Podrebarac Barristers Professional Corporation

The Ethical Opening & Closing Statement
Adam Wagman, Howie, Sacks & Henry LLP and
Adrian Lomaga, Adrian Lomaga Personal Injury Law P.C.

Some Thoughts on Spoken Advocacy
Brett D. Moldaver, Moldaver Barristers

The Big Picture on Oral Advocacy in Summary Motions: From the Wide Angle to the Close-up Shot
The Honourable Giovanna Toscano Roccamo, Superior Court of Justice - Ottawa
Alison McEwen, Judicial Law Clerk, Ontario East Region, Superior Court of Justice - Ottawa

Eleven Winning Ways in an Appellate Court
Ronald E. Dimock, Dimock Stratton LLP

Fact Scenarios
Geoff Mowatt, Dimock Stratton LLP
Adam Keeping, Jordan Battista LLP

What is the Best Way to Prepare for an Oral Hearing?
Frank Addario, Addario Law Group
Julie K. Hannaford, J K Hannaford Barristers