
About ArticlesLes articles ci-dessous sont publiés par la Section des praticiens exerçant seuls, des petits cabinets et de la pratique générale de l'Association du Barreau de l'Ontario. Les membres sont invités à soumettre des articles.  A propos des articles.

Rédacteurs :


Business Basics in Changing Times Conference

  • 06 février 2012
  • Mark S. Taborowski, Robert Shawyer

Those of us who are sole practitioners or who work in a small firm do not necessarily have the same advantages of those who work in a big firm setting.

How to Manage Your Potential Liability as a Director

  • 06 février 2012
  • Pascale Daigneault in collaboration with Anna Naud

In November, the OBA’s Charity and Not for Profit Section held an interesting session for lawyers involved with clients in the not-for-profit and charity sectors. 

Capacity and Representation

  • 06 février 2012
  • Ameena Sultan

"Section 3 Counsel” is the term used to refer to lawyers appointed to represent allegedly incapable persons in proceedings brought under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992, S.O. 1990, c. 30(SDA)

SSGP 2012: A CLE Odyssey

  • 06 février 2012
  • Aaron Grinhaus

As a Section, we have struggled to define our niche within the OBA. Our Section is comprised of myriad practice areas and deals with a wide breadth of issues. We often find ourselves on committees or research groups for a particular practice area representing the “voice” of the SSGP practitioners.