Submissions and Legislative Updates



  • July 10, 2020

On Tuesday, the government introduced Bill 195, Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020. The legislation allows for the government to continue the use of existing emergency powers otherwise restricted for use under a Declaration of Emergency. The current Declaration of Emergency was introduced on March 17th and has been renewed within each consecutive two week period.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division


OBA Submission on the new Legal Aid Services Act

  • March 10, 2020

The OBA submission raised three specific issues that it would like to see addressed with respect to the proposed Legal Aid Services Act in Bill 161: (1) Ensuring additional funding for court-ordered services currently covered directly by the Attorney General; (2) Clarifying a fair process regarding information disclosure for lawyers who represent LAO clients; and, (3) Clarifying proportional representation on the LAO Board.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division

Provincial Government

Pre-Budget Consultation Letter

  • February 11, 2020

As part of the provincial government’s pre-budget consultations, the OBA asked the government to commit to adequate and predictable funding for the legal aid system and ensure adequate funding of a comprehensive strategy that recognizes the prevalence of mental health issues for society’s most vulnerable who are served by lawyers in all areas of the legal aid system.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division

Provincial Government, Legal Aid Ontario

OBA Submission Regarding the Legal Aid Ontario Modernization Project

  • October 31, 2019

The Ministry of the Attorney General, in partnership with Legal Aid Ontario is currently engaged in the Legal Aid Ontario Modernization Project (“Project”). The mandate of the Project is to develop and implement reform proposals and legislative amendments that will contribute to moving the legal aid system towards sustainability and modernized service delivery to better meet the needs of low-income Ontarians through governance and service delivery improvements.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division


Response to the Law Society of Ontario's Access to Justice Approach: Call for Comment

  • May 31, 2019

This submission is in response to the Law Society of Ontario's Access to Justice Committee's "Review of the Law Society's Access to Justice Approach: Call for Comment"

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division

Provincial Government

Comments on the Proposed Pay Transparency Reporting Requirements

  • April 09, 2019

This submission is in response to the Ministry of Labour’s consultation on the proposed pay transparency reporting requirements. The OBA provides feedback on capturing compensation differences, calculating gender gaps and the establishment of a clear reporting period.

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Women Lawyers Forum, Labour and Employment Law and 1 more..., Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law

Provincial Government

Education in Ontario

  • December 17, 2018

The OBA responds to the government’s consultation on Education in Ontario, focusing on proposed changes to the Physical and Health Education Curriculum, and a proposed Parents' Bill of Rights.

Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Education Law, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law

Law Society of Ontario

Comments on the LSO's Options for Lawyer Licensing

  • October 31, 2018

The OBA has responded to the LSO's Dialogue on Licensing (2018) consultation paper. The submission was prepared by the OBA Special Committee on Licensing with the input of the OBA Provincial Council.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division

Law Society of Ontario

Law Society of Ontario Governance Task Force Call for Comment: Options for Enhanced Governance

  • October 19, 2018

The OBA responds to the LSO's consultation on Governance, relating to the size and composition of Convocation, other considerations that will to enhance governance effectiveness, as well as the terms, term limits and terminology proposed.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 49 more..., Air and Space Law, Animal Law, Insolvency Law, Business Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Competition Law, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Criminal Justice, Child and Youth Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Education Law, Elder Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, French Speaking Lawyers, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Groupe Francophone, Health Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Intellectual Prop, Judges Forum, Labour and Employment Law, Legal Prof Assistance, Law Practice Management, Maritime Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Military Law, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sales / Commodity, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Student Forum, Taxation Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division

Provincial Government

OBA Pre-Budget Consultation Letter

  • February 07, 2018

The OBA provides a submission to the Minister of Finance regarding pre-budget consultations with individuals and organizations throughout the province.

Aboriginal Law, Administrative Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and 50 more..., Business Law, Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Citizenship and Immigration Law, Civil Litigation, Class Actions, Construction and Infrastructure Law, Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Criminal Justice, Education Law, Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Women Lawyers Forum, Franchise Law, Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Health Law, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Insolvency Law, Insurance Law, International Law, Labour and Employment Law, Law Practice Management, Municipal Law, Natural Resources and Energy Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Privacy Law, Public Sector Lawyers, Real Property Law, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Law, Taxation Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Workers' Compensation, Young Lawyers' Division, Competition Law, Sales / Commodity, Intellectual Prop, Military Law, Elder Law, Form Returned, Animal Law, E-Discovery Sub-Committee, Air and Space Law, Maritime Law, Legal Prof Assistance, French Speaking Lawyers, Judges Forum, Groupe Francophone, Child and Youth Law, Student Forum