Archived Video Corporate Social Responsibility and The Critical Role of the Lawyer February 05, 2015 Join our faculty of leading practitioners and academics for a discussion of Corporate Social Responsibility.
Complimentary Archived Video Cold Truths: Infrastructure Development in the Ring of Fire November 05, 2014 Hear from the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM) and legal practitioners about the anticipated role of the ROFIDC, the next steps for developing the infrastructure required for the Ring of Fire and the challenges that may arise.
Archived Video Cross-Border Issues in Energy, Mining and Natural Resources June 20, 2014 With ever-increasing trade and business across the U.S. - Canadian border, lawyers working in the mining and natural resources industries must work diligently to keep on top of the trends and developments in practice and regulation.
Complimentary Archived Video Developments in D&O Liability for Environmental Contamination April 30, 2014 Directors and officers face increasing personal exposure for environmental liability. Ensure your natural resource and energy clients understand their exposure and how they can mitigate the risk of liability for environmental contamination.
Complimentary Archived Video Radioactive Issues in Nuclear Energy in Ontario March 26, 2014 What is the current state, and possible future direction, of nuclear development in Ontario? Whether you are a lawyer, work in government or industry, this is an important discussion for you to take part in.
Complimentary Archived Video Transparency of Payments to Foreign Governments in Extractive Industries: A Review of the Changing Landscape February 19, 2014 This panel will delve into the recent developments in Canada and the U.S. as well as discuss possible future directions for the transparency initiative.
Archived Video Whither Treaties? From Historic to Modern and Beyond February 07, 2014 Aboriginal law specialists, and municipal, real estate, environmental and natural resource lawyers will not want to miss this comprehensive program on treaties.
Archived Video The Confluence of Aboriginal and Environmental Law in Energy and Natural Resource Projects February 07, 2014 With constantly evolving legislation and case law on Aboriginal issues within the environmental and natural resource development contexts, it is more important than ever for you to keep up to speed.
Complimentary Archived Video Feed-in Tariff (FIT) 3.0 - What every lawyer needs to know! November 27, 2013 A timely overview of the changes to FIT 3.0 Program Rules, Contract and Standard Definitions and other program documents, including a discussion of the new prescribed forms requiring acknowledgements of legal advice.
Complimentary Archived Video Fundamentals of Natural Resources and Energy Practice May 28, 2013 An introduction to mining and energy practice from the perspectives of practitioners in private practice, government and industry.