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Join our faculty of leading practitioners and academics for a discussion of Corporate Social Responsibility.
C. Kenning Marchant, The Marchant Practice
At Risk: Litigation, Reputation and Violation of CSR Norms
Jennifer Egsgard, Sills Egsgard LLP
Paying Now and Paying Later: Developments in Foreign Anti-Corruption Law
Matthew Kronby, Bennett Jones LLP
Global Compact Business Guide for Compact Impact Assessment and Risk Management
Professor Errol P. Mendes, University of Ottawa
CSR Case Study For Extractive Industries
Professor Errol P. Mendes, University of Ottawa
CSR Risks in Labour Relations and Human Resources Management
Kevin Coon, Baker & McKenzie LLP
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Retail Supply Chain
David Gore, Barrister and Solicitor
Emergence of the Performance Standards and International Legal Context
Michael J. Torrance, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP and Alexander Green
Sustainability Standards in Global Finance - Equator Principles III and the OECD Common Approaches
Michael J. Torrance, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Fiduciary Society Unleashed: The Road Ahead for the Financial Sector
Edward J. Waitzer, Stikeman Elliot LLP
Douglas Sarro, Sullivan & Cromwell Title of Paper
7 Tools for Choosing and Applying Corporate Social Responsibility Standards
Kenning Marchant, LL.M., D.Jur, The Marchant Practice
Corporate Responsibility and the Role of the Legal Profession
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe