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Read about some of the latest developments in municipal and planning law over the last year. Hear updates on some of the topics that were addressed at Institute 2015 and join the discussion on important new changes that have occurred in municipal and planning law since. Topics include:
- The State of ELTO
- Bill 73
- Municipal Legislation Review
- An update on the Co-ordinated Review of the Provincial Plans
Mark Flowers, Davies Howe Partners LLP
Raj Kehar, City of Mississauga - Legal Services
Nathan Muscat, Regional Municipality of Peel
The State of ELTO: "What happened while I was away"
Dr. Bruce Krushelnicki, Executive Chair, Environment and Land Tribunals Ontario
Municipal Regulation of 'New Age' Businesses
Diana Dimmer and Matthew Cornett, City of Toronto
Bill 73: Amendments to the Planning Act Smart Growth for our Communities Act
Katarzyna Sliwa and Marisa Keating, Davies Howe Partners LLP
Claudia Storto, City of Vaughan, Deputy City
What Weight Should Municipally Initiated Guideline Documents Be Given in Land Use Planning Approvals?
Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillan LLP
Development Charges Act, 1987 and the Implications from the Amendments in The Smart Growth Communities Act
Paul M. DeMelo, Kagan Shastri LLP
Expropriation: The Legal Landscape Since Antrim
Paul B. Scargall and Abbey Sinclair, Scargall Owen-King LLP
Land Takings in the Planning Approvals Process
Mark Flowers, Davies Howe Partners LLP
Municipal Case Law Update 2016
John Mascarin, Aird & Berlis LLP
Municipal Legislation Review
Kim Mullin, WeirFoulds LLP
Municipal Legislation Review
Jacqueline Wigle, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Provincial Plan Review-2016 Update
Leo Longo, Aird & Berlis LLP
The Crickets Speak (But Don't Say Much ...
An Update on the Co-ordinated Review of Provincial Plans
Michael Melling and Kate Fairbrother, Davies Howe Partners LLP
Site Plan Control Powers under Section 41 of the Planning Act
Denise Baker and Lia Boritz, WeirFoulds LLP
The Evolution of Cultural Heritage Landscapes as a Means of Protecting Heritage Resources
Marc Kemerer, Devry Smith Frank LLP
Five Year Reviews
Steven Zakem and Lauren Chee-Hing, Aird & Berlis LLP
Agreement To Mediate And Terms Of Mediation
Bill 73 and ADR
Lyn Townsend, WeirFoulds LLP
Will Bill 73 Resolve More Planning Disputes?
Ron Kanter, MacDonald Sager Manis LLP
Planning Case Law Update
Chris Barnett, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP