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Explore where privacy fits in the employment relationship today. As technology advancements blur the lines between work and home life, what is the impact on employee privacy? What steps can an employer take to mitigate employee conduct that takes away from business activities? Gain critical insights from our exceptional faculty on where to draw the line, and helpful techniques for expertly balancing employee privacy with business interests. Ensure you have the answers you need to provide up-to-the-minute advice to your clients in this evolving space.
Sara Azargive, CancerCare Ontario
Samil Chagpar, SBMB Law
Howard Simkevitz, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Privacy versus Proof in Job-Protected Leaves of Absence
Daniel Wong, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
An Employee Privacy Policy: What it Achieves and How to Do it Right
Fazila Nurani, PRIVATECH
Employer Surveillance and the Right to Privacy
Dean Ardron, Ursel Phillips Fellows Hopkinson LLP
To What Degree are Employees Entitled to Privacy Outside of "Business Hours"?
James Cameron and Dayna Steinfeld, Raven, Cameron, Ballantyne & Yazbeck LLP (Ottawa)
"What's Yours is Mine, or is it What's Mine is Yours?": The Challenge of Bring-Your-Own-Device Programs
Dave J.G. McKechnie, McMillan LLP
The Latest and Greatest (?) Workplace Technologies for Privacy Invasion
Barbara McIsaac, Q.C., Barbara McIsaac Law (Ottawa)