Articles 2019


New Regulation Permits Dentists to Treat Spouses

  • August 01, 2014
  • Lonny Rosen, Elyse Sunshine and Erin Dobbelsteyn, Rosen Sunshine LLP

A review of the sexual abuse provisions of the RHPA and the regulation exempting dentists from same when treating their spouses.

Health Law

The Impact of R v. Quesnelle on Police Mental Health Contact

  • March 11, 2014
  • Karen Steward and Bernadette Maheandiran

A review of the Ontario Court of Appeal's decision in R. v. Quesnelle and its impact on the protections provided to complainants/witnesses in respect of police occurrence reports and the reporting of sexual offences by persons with mental illness with prior police contact.

Health Law

Rodriguez 2.0: Will Carter lead the way?

  • March 05, 2014
  • David Seevaratnam and Ronak Shah

The Supreme Court of Canada’s recent move to grant leave to appeal the British Columbia Court of Appeal’s decision in Carter v. Canada highlights a continuing debate in our society: how should we deal with end-of-life issues, especially physician assisted suicide?

Health Law

The Regulation of Dental Assistants under the RHPA

  • February 11, 2014
  • Dr. Gary Srebrolow

In 2013, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care considered and ultimately rejected the notion of self-regulation for dental assistants. This article discusses the process followed by the MOHLTC in determining if a health profession should be regulated and to review the decision with regard to dental assistants.

Health Law