Other Response to the Law Society of Ontario's Access to Justice Approach: Call for Comment May 31, 2019 This submission is in response to the Law Society of Ontario's Access to Justice Committee's "Review of the Law Society's Access to Justice Approach: Call for Comment"
Provincial Government Expanding the Availability of Electronic Beneficiary Designations February 04, 2019 The OBA welcomes the move to expressly permit the use of electronic beneficiary designations for plans governed by the Pension Benefits Act, and encourages it to expressly expand its availability to plans covered by the Succession Law Reform Act.
Law Society of Ontario Comments on the LSO's Options for Lawyer Licensing October 31, 2018 The OBA has responded to the LSO's Dialogue on Licensing (2018) consultation paper. The submission was prepared by the OBA Special Committee on Licensing with the input of the OBA Provincial Council.
Law Society of Ontario Law Society of Ontario Governance Task Force Call for Comment: Options for Enhanced Governance October 19, 2018 The OBA responds to the LSO's consultation on Governance, relating to the size and composition of Convocation, other considerations that will to enhance governance effectiveness, as well as the terms, term limits and terminology proposed.
Provincial Government OBA Pre-Budget Consultation Letter February 07, 2018 The OBA provides a submission to the Minister of Finance regarding pre-budget consultations with individuals and organizations throughout the province.
Law Society of Ontario President's Letter re Statement of Principles November 24, 2017 The OBA wrote to the Law Society to reiterate the OBA’s unequivocal support for the CFRL Report and to identify failures to date in the implementation of the requirement for a Statement of Principles
Law Society of Ontario Law Society of Upper Canada Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees Working Group Final Report November 21, 2016 The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on issues raised in the Law Society of Upper Canada (“Law Society”) Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees Working Group (“Working Group”) Final Report “Working Together for Change: Strategies to Address Issues of Systemic Racism in the Legal Professions” (the “Final Report”).
Law Society of Ontario Consultation on the Pathways Pilot Project Evaluation and Enhancements to Licensing Report October 21, 2016 The Ontario Bar Association appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the Law Society of Upper Canada Professional Development and Competence Committee report to convocation dated September 22, 2016 addressing the Pathways Pilot Project Evaluation and Enhancements to Licensing.
Your OBA LegUp Policy and Legislative Update Week of January 27 It’s Official! Provincial Election on February 27: On Tuesday, the Hon. Edith Dumont, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, accepted Premier Doug Ford's advice to sign a proclamation dissolving the 43rd Parliament of Ontario. The Lieutenant Governor also called for the issuance of writs for the general election to be issued January 29 and named February 27 as the date of the vote.