Practice Tips: The Courtesy Call October 17, 2019 Harpreet Saini Criminal defence and immigration lawyer Harpreet Saini provides practice tips for ethical lawyering: how to professionally and courteously handle a call when a potential client already has counsel.
Is S. 320.31(9) a Soules Survivor? September 16, 2019 Alan D. Gold Alan Gold discusses the impact of changes to drinking, drugs and driving offence legislation - specifically, how new statement admissibility legislation stacks up next to existing jurisprudence.
Climbing the Bail Ladder: Practical considerations for witnesses at bail hearings post-Antic April 30, 2019 Ian B. Kasper Defence lawyer Ian Kasper discusses bail in the post-Antic legal landscape.
Witness Confidence and Certainty: Certainly Nothing to be Confident About April 26, 2019 Alan D. Gold Senior criminal defence lawyer Alan Gold writes about the frailties of witness confidence and certainty.
Pleading to Provincial Offences Under s. 606(4) January 13, 2019 Benjamin Janzen, Assistant Crown Attorney Assistant Crown Attorney Benjamin Janzen provides helpful tips for counsel assisting individuals with guilty pleas to provincial offences.
The Dark Web January 13, 2019 Erin Pancer, senior prosecutor with the Ministry of the Attorney General, Guns and Gangs Unit Crown Attorney Erin Pancer provides an overview of the Dark Web and the role of cryptocurrency in facilitating the purchase of drugs and firearms.
Context is Everything: Voluntariness in 2018 January 13, 2019 Lisa Jørgensen, Cooper Jørgensen Lisa Jørgensen provides a helpful refresher on the law of voluntariness, with a focus on recent Court of Appeal and Superior Court jurisprudence.
Case Commentary: R. v. Reeves, 2018 SCC 56 January 13, 2019 Lynda Morgan Lynda Morgan summarizes the Supreme Court of Canada's recent significant judgment in R. v. Reeves, respecting the effect of the consent of a co-owner or third party to the police seizure of a computer.
Advising the Detainee During a Drinking and Driving Investigation October 29, 2018 Michael Lacy Michael Lacy provides an overview of the law and offers practical tips to counsel when providing legal advice to detainees.
The New Legal Landscape for HIV Non-Disclosure Cases October 29, 2018 Shakir Rahim, articling student with Crown Law Office - Criminal Shakir Rahim reviews the changing law and science of HIV non-disclosure cases.