Articles 2020


A Lawyer’s Reflections on COVID-19

  • June 10, 2022
  • Neha Chugh

Criminal defence lawyer Neha Chugh reflects on working from home during COVID-19, separating work and home life, and returning to court.

Criminal Justice, Student Forum

Restorative Justice: An Alternative Path in Sexual Assault Cases?

  • January 10, 2022
  • Jeff Carolin

Jeff Carolin, a criminal defence lawyer with a restorative-justice-informed practice, recounts his experience representing a sexual assault complainant in a restorative justice process in Toronto, the first of its kind. Jeff explains how this process unfolded, potential safeguards for defendants who wish to participate, and the roles each actor has to play throughout the process.

Criminal Justice, Student Forum

OBA Program Summary: “Critical Issues in Race and Policing”, Part 2

  • October 02, 2020
  • Saba Ahmad

On the evening of September 30, 2020, over 120 lawyers and other professionals attended virtually to hear from Roger Love and Faisal Mirza on “Civil, Charter, and Human Rights Challenges,” part 2 of the Race and Policing Series, co-hosted by the Criminal Justice and Constitutional Civil Liberties and Human Rights (“CCLHR”) sections of the Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”). This article provides a brief summary of the program.

Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Criminal Justice, Student Forum
Brock Jones

Q&A with Brock Jones, OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice Recipient

  • May 14, 2020

Brock Jones, Counsel, Chief Justice of Ontario (OCJ), is being honoured this year with the OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice for his outstanding leadership and contribution to the advancement of criminal law. Gain a glimpse of what motivates him and how he is making a difference in his area of practice in this candid Q&A.

Criminal Justice, Student Forum

Why Ontario’s Victim Compensation Bill Will Hurt Those It’s Designed to Help

  • December 18, 2019
  • Shiva Bakhtiary, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Victims of crime in Ontario will now get significantly less compensation and will no longer have their cases heard before an impartial adjudicator after Bill 100 amends the Compensation for Victims of Crime Act and dissolves the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.

Administrative Law, Criminal Justice, Student Forum

Conditional Discharges and the Sex Offender Registry

  • November 11, 2019
  • Amanda Ross

Amanda Ross provides a case summary for R. v. Henry, 2019 ONSC 4978. In the case (a summary conviction appeal), the Honourable Mr. Justice Schreck considered the Ontario Court of Appeal's recent decision in G. v. Ontario (Attorney General), 2019 ONCA 264, and ruled that a conditional discharge is not a “sentence” for the purposes of SOIRA and does not trigger the imposition of an order to register and comply with its terms.

Criminal Justice, Student Forum