
About Articles The below articles are published by the Construction and Infrastructure Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Jay Nathwani


No Satisfaction: Limitations of Liability in Condo Construction Deficiency Case

  • April 09, 2014
  • Sharon Vogel and Daniel Boan

In Standard Condominium No 2095 v West Harbour City (I) Residences Corp (2013 ONSC 5987) the OSCJ enforced a limitation of liability provision thereby preventing a condominium corporation from seeking recourse against a developer for construction deficiency claims.

Construction and Infrastructure Law

Dispute Review Boards

  • July 09, 2013
  • Safia Lakhani, Joshua Strub

In typical construction contracts, the parties approach the project consultant to make a decision regarding the contractual obligations of the respective parties.

Construction and Infrastructure Law

OBA Award of Excellence in Construction Law and Year-End Tour

  • July 09, 2013
  • Dante Alighieri Capannelli

A fabulous end to another successful year! On June 11, 2013 we marked the conclusion of our 2012-13 term with a tour of the Toronto-York- Spadina subway extension and presentation of the inaugural OBA Award of Excellence in Construction Law at the year-end dinner.

Construction and Infrastructure Law

Congratulations Master Wiebe!

  • February 26, 2013
  • Brendan D. Bowles

On December 10, 2012 the Ministry of the Attorney General announced the appointment of Charles Wiebe as a Case Management Master of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

Construction and Infrastructure Law

Suppliers Beware When Warranting Design

  • February 26, 2013
  • Michael Parrish, Marina Pratchette Q.C.

The recent British Columbia Court of Appeal case of Greater Vancouver Water District v. North American Pipe & Steel Ltd. provides a very good reminder to suppliers of the risks of providing warranties in supply contracts.

Construction and Infrastructure Law