Publication | Archived Video
If your practice touches on human rights law, this program is a must-attend event for you. Get up-to-date on the latest developments and take-away helpful strategies on handling current issues in human rights. Our exceptional faculty will provide the expertise you need: from navigating parallel proceedings to drafting releases and much more.
Antonella Ceddia, City of Toronto
Adrian Ishak, Baker and McKenzie LLP
Farah Malik, WeirFoulds LLP
What's New at the HRTO: Decision Highlights
Yola Grant, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Avenues for Redress
Jonathan Cocker, Baker & McKenzie LLP
Critical Updates on Concurrent Jurisdiction: How is Penner being applied by the HRTO
Michelle Henry, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Getting to the Starting Line: A Guide to Navigating the Human Rights
Commission's Screening Process
Andrew Astritis, Raven Cameron, Ballantyne and Yazbeck LLP
Avoiding Discrimination in the Face of a Pandemic: Important Issues to Consider
Sheila Osborne-Brown, Canadian Human Rights Commission
Settling for Major Policy Change: Recent Gender Identity Developments in Ontario
Insiya Essajee, Ontario Human Rights Commission
Taking a Closer Look at Ontario Human Rights Commission Policy Directives:
Policy on Removing the "Canadian experience" barrier and Policy on
preventing discrimination based on mental health disabilities and addictions
Lai-King Hum, Hum Law Firm
What is the status of the Procedural Duty to Accommodate
Heather Crisp, City of Toronto
The Association of Midwives v. MOHLTC Interim Decision A New Path Forward for Systemic Discrimination Applications
Jennifer Quito, Cavalluzzo Shilton McIntyre & Cornish LLP
The Evolution of the Law of Reprisals Since Noble
Joyce Thomas, Lerners LLP
Mastering Unusual and Public Interest Remedies and Remedies Awarded by the HRTO
Megan Evans Maxwell, Human Rights Legal Support Centre
Reinstatement as a Human Rights Remedy: When Jurisdictions Collide
Michelle Flaherty, University of Ottawa
Riffing on Releases and other Concluding Terms of a Settlement Agreement
Geri Sanson, SANSON LAW OFFICE Professional Corporation