Law Society of Ontario Consultation on the Pathways Pilot Project Evaluation and Enhancements to Licensing Report October 21, 2016 The Ontario Bar Association appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the Law Society of Upper Canada Professional Development and Competence Committee report to convocation dated September 22, 2016 addressing the Pathways Pilot Project Evaluation and Enhancements to Licensing.
Law Society of Ontario Compliance-Based Entity Regulation LSUC Task Force Consultation March 31, 2016 The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) is pleased to provide this submission to the Law Society of Upper Canada Task Force on Compliance-Based Entity Regulation in response to its Consultation Paper: “Promoting Better Legal Practices” (“the Consultation Paper”).
Provincial Government Exploring an online Administrative Monetary Penalty System for infractions of provincial statutes and municipal by-laws in Ontario May 05, 2015 The Ontario Bar Association (the “OBA”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Ministry of the Attorney General’s consultation paper “Exploring an online Administrative Monetary Penalty System for infractions of provincial statutes and municipal by-laws in Ontario” (“the Consultation Paper”).
Other Bill 49, Ontario Immigration Act, 2015 April 16, 2015 The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) appreciates the opportunity to make a submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy (the “Committee”) regarding Bill 49, Ontario Immigration Act, 2015 (the “Bill”).
Law Society of Ontario Alternative Business Structures and the Legal Profession in Ontario January 30, 2015 The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) is pleased to provide this update on our consideration of the issues raised by the Law Society of Upper Canada in “Alternative Business Structures and the Legal Profession in Ontario: A Discussion Paper” (the “Discussion Paper”)