Articles 2024

Say Good-Bye to Post-Grad LMOs

Say Good-Bye to Post-Grad LMOs

  • 16 octobre 2013
  • Barbara Jo (BJ) Caruso

The fall-out of changes to work permits for post graduate students, made in August, 2013 is immense. The author describes the history of the Relaxed LMO, why she thinks its elimination was procedurally unfair and ways that employers and lawyers can effectively protest.

Citoyenneté et immigration
A Robust Approach to Medical Inadmissibility

A Robust Approach to Medical Inadmissibility

  • 16 octobre 2013
  • Michael Battista

Author Michael Battista presents his own step-by-step guide for gathering evidence to overcome medical inadmissibility concerns of a visa officer. What would you do?

Citoyenneté et immigration

Changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program -- July 31, 2013

  • 15 octobre 2013
  • John Petrykanyn

Obscure though some of the new policy around recruitment of temporary foreign workers may be, the author tries to understand reasons for the changes. To the extent he can, he clarifies new requirements for Labour Market Opinions and suggest ways of getting them approved.

Citoyenneté et immigration

Lawyers React! Pre-removal Risk Assessments Stymied

  • 01 avril 2013
  • Jennifer Luu

With the PCISA in effect, by the time refused refugee claimants are finally eligible for a PRRA, they would likely already have been deported to their home country. What's at stake?

Citoyenneté et immigration

Lawyers React! Immigration Law's Entanglement with Criminal Law

  • 01 avril 2013
  • Elizabeth Long Zahra Kaderali

Recent changes in criminal and immigration law make it more important than ever for practitioners in both areas to communicate. These authors comment on new criminal laws about pardons for convictions, immigration amendments about deportation and a Supreme Court of Canada decision.

Citoyenneté et immigration

Lawyers React! New Biometrics Testing

  • 01 avril 2013
  • Marvin Moses

Starting in 2013, temporary applicants from certain visa-requiring countries and territories who seek to enter Canada will have to provide biometric data before arriving in Canada.

Citoyenneté et immigration

Message from the Chair - April 2013

  • 01 avril 2013
  • Lainie M. Appleby

The Executive continues its efforts in working on behalf of the Ontario Bar Association Citizenship and Immigration Section.

Citoyenneté et immigration

Message from the Editor - April 2013

  • 01 avril 2013
  • Joy-Ann Cohen

So many new immigration laws have taken effect in the past twelve months that the government’s accomplishment, in creating and passing them all, calls out for response.

Citoyenneté et immigration