Articles 2024

Key Legal Developments in 2015 for Canadian Charities

Key Legal Developments in 2015 for Canadian Charities

  • 18 janvier 2016
  • Nevena Belovska, Associate Director of Legal Affairs, Canadian Council of Christian Charities,

The year 2015 saw a number of important legal developments of interest to Canada’s charitable sector. This article highlights the key updates that charities should be aware of, including Federal Budget 2015, salient cases, and important legislative updates.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif
Fantasy Football - Lessons Learned from “Deflategate”

Fantasy Football - Lessons Learned from “Deflategate”

  • 21 septembre 2015
  • Clifford Hart

In his lengthy decision of September 3, 2015, U.S. District Judge Richard Berman overturned the four-game suspension issued by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to New England Patriots' quarterback Tom Brady in the “Deflategate” scandal. The decision is very critical of the NFL and its processes, and has been appealed by the NFL. But there are important takeaways from the decision that are of general application for all employers.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif
Tax Court Dismisses Appeals for Charitable Tax Credits

Tax Court Dismisses Appeals for Charitable Tax Credits

  • 21 septembre 2015
  • Linsey E.C. Rains

The Tax Court of Canada recently released two informal procedure decisions which upheld the Minister of National Revenue’s disallowance of charitable donation tax credits claimed by two individual taxpayers. The July 9, 2015 decision in Duggan v The Queen dealt with the Minister’s denial of cash donations made to two registered charities, Mega Church International and Operation Save Canada’s Teenagers, which totalled $20,000 in 2007 and $16,890 in 2008.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif

Student Discipline: Practical Strategies for Helping High Risk Students Succeed

  • 13 avril 2015
  • Nicole Myers

On March 31, 2015, 60 lawyers convened to partake in the Education Law & Child and Youth Sections’ joint program, “Student Discipline: Practical Strategies for Helping High Risk Students Succeed”. Chaired by Mary Birdsell, Executive Director of Justice for Children and Youth, and Brenda Stokes Verworn, counsel to the District School Board of Niagara, the engaging program provided counsel – on both sides of the table – with critical take-ways to implement in your practice.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif
Top Canadian Charity Law Compliance Issues

Top Canadian Charity Law Compliance Issues

  • 02 avril 2015
  • Mark Blumberg

This article provides a brief summary of some of the most important issues that lawyers should pay attention to when thinking of legal compliance for registered charities in Canada.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif
Court Refuses to Vary the Terms of a Restricted Gift

Court Refuses to Vary the Terms of a Restricted Gift

  • 19 mars 2015
  • Ryan M. Prendergast

In Mulgrave School Foundation (Re), the British Columbia Supreme Court considered a request by a charity to vary a gift for a particular purpose. After considering the lack of any evidence showing impossibility or impracticality, the BCSC refused to allow the donations intended to be used for scholarships to be used in the construction of the school.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif
“Support Persons” and A Child Witness

“Support Persons” and A Child Witness

  • 11 mars 2015
  • Brock Jones

What is the proper role of a support person in the courtroom, and what should they do, or not do, while a child is testifying about highly contentious matters? A review of R v CT 2015 ONCJ 93

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif
The Application of GST/HST to Children's Camps Operated by Charities and Non-Profits

The Application of GST/HST to Children's Camps Operated by Charities and Non-Profits

  • 03 février 2015
  • Jonah Mayles

This article provides an overview of the CRA's recently released GST/HST Info Sheet GI-037, “Children’s Camps Operated by Public Sector Bodies” (the “Info Sheet”). This version replaced the previously issued version released in July 2007. While no substantive changes were made to the Info Sheet, its release provides a reminder with respect to the application of GST/HST to children’s camps operated by a public sector body.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif

Notice to Section Members re AMS John Hodgson Award

  • 21 janvier 2015
  • OBA Charities and Not-for-Profit Section Executive

This notice provides a summary of the changes made to the frequency of the AMS John Hodgson Award grant in view of the newly created Jane Burke-Robertson Award of Excellence in Charity and Not-For-Profit Law.

Œuvres de bienfaisance et organismes à but non lucratif