Make Your Own Mantra
Mantras boast many psychological benefits, including improving attention, changing your mood, and adding to your peace of mind.
Following are some suggestions from You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job about how to make your own personal mantra:
- Choose three things you’d like to change about yourself or your situation and incorporate each into a sentence that begins "I am" (e.g., "I am stressed").
- Then write each phrase’s opposite (i.e., "I am stressed," becomes "I am relaxed" or "I am calm").
- Write these three statements on a card - dress it up if you like! - and place it somewhere you’ll see it often.
- Repeat your three mantras throughout the day as needed and prepare to feel better.

Source: You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job and Other Reminders of Your Awesomeness, Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 2015.