Educational Material

Legislative Sources

Legislative Sources

Category: Education

This category includes any material that describes, explains or evaluates current accessibility legislation.

Case Law

Case Law

Category: Education

This category includes material describing or critiquing existing judicial decisions on the topic of court accessibility.

The Case for Reform

The Case for Reform

Category: Education

This category includes any material that explains the need to promote accessibility in the courts.

Sample Barriers

Sample Barriers

Category: Education

This category includes any material demonstrating existing accessibility barriers and the impact they can have on persons with disabilities.

Barrier Removal In Action

Barrier Removal In Action

Category: Education

This category includes examples of successful barrier removal, generally in the form of reports concerning the courts of jurisdiction in which accessibility programs have been implemented.

Lawyers and Clients

Lawyers and Clients

Category: Education

This category recognizes that lawyers are often the gatekeepers to the judicial system, and that accessibility barriers may occur in lawyers’ offices, before a client with a disability ever appears in court. As a result, this category includes any material designed to help lawyers remove accessibility barriers in their own practices.