20-10-2021 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de l'éducation | Ethical and Practical Considerations When Working With and For Young People (5 Sessions) | Non | 5 h | 2 h 30 m | 30 m |
09-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [WEBCAST REPLAY] Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program (8 Part Series) | Non | | 1 h | |
13-07-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges: A Series | | | | |
22-06-2021 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check In: How Does Your Firm Measure Up? | Non | | 1 h | |
07-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program (8 Part Zoom Webinar Series) | Non | | 1 h | |
04-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | PACKAGED WEBCAST PROGRAMS: "Your First Civil Trial" and "Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case" | Non | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
26-01-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité, Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit de la famille, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux, Testaments, successions et fiducies | Pensions and Benefits Law Essentials Series | Non | 1 h | | |
15-10-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | 2020-2021 Trusts & Estates Law Litigators Passport Series (4 Webcast Programs) | | | | |
06-10-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | 2020-2021 Environmental Passport Webcast Series - The Dirt on Brownfield Redevelopments (3 Programs) | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
09-09-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: A Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates | | | | |
17-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Employees’ “Right to Disconnect” from Work: Key Labour and Employment Insights [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
16-12-2021 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Year in Review: Critical Immigration Law Updates on Top Litigation Cases, COVID, Portals, NOCs and the OINP [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
16-12-2021 | Droit fiscal | Professionalism and Ethical Issues for Tax Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 2 h | 1 h |
16-12-2021 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | Impact of the SCC’s Decision in Access Copyright Collectives and Fair Dealing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
15-12-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Advocacy Primer: Professionalism in Motions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
15-12-2021 | Jeunes avocats | YLD Advocacy Primer 3 Part Webcast Series | Non | 2 h | 1 h 30 m | |
15-12-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Young Lawyers Division – East Virtual Holiday Social [VIRTUAL EVENT] | | | | |
15-12-2021 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de la famille | COVID and the Family Court [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
13-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Roll Out To Recovery: Speaker Series Your Vaccine Questions Answered: Children Vaccines and Omicron Variant [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
13-12-2021 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | D&O Liability: Key Updates for In-House Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
13-12-2021 | Droit des affaires | 9th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 3 h | |
11-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Mundell Medal for Legal Writing Award [ONLINE EVENT] | | | | |
10-12-2021 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de la famille | Packaged Programs: "Navigating Interjurisdictional Support Orders" and "COVID and the Family Court" [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 45 m | 15 m | |
10-12-2021 | Général | NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING of the Ontario Bar Association ("OBA") | | | | |
10-12-2021 | Droit de la famille | Navigating Interjurisdictional Support Orders [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-12-2021 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | Workers’ Compensation Case Law Update: Morningstar v. WSIAT [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-12-2021 | Droit relatif aux franchises | 20th Annual OBA Franchise Law Conference [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 6 h 30 m | 45 m | 15 m |
09-12-2021 | Secteur public | Public Law and Regulation During a Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
09-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [POSTPONED] Navigating the Transition for ITLs: Key Insights for Interviewing & Networking [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
09-12-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Critical Case Law Updates on Insolvency and Restructuring Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-12-2021 | Droit de l'éducation | Guide to Education Law for the Lawyer-Parent [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-12-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Update on the Tort of 'Publicity Placing a Person in a False Light’ [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-12-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | [POSTPONED] Tricky Professionalism Issues for Labour and Employment Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 3 h | |
08-12-2021 | Droit de la construction | Ontario’s New Regime for Excess Soil in Construction [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
08-12-2021 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Women Lawyers Forum: Virtual Social [WEB EVENT] | | | | |
07-12-2021 | Droit de la santé | Legal Intricacies of Physician Investigations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
07-12-2021 | Juristes de la pratique générale, exerçant seuls ou en petits cabinets, Jeunes avocats | Small Claims Court: Insights on Advocacy & Unbundled Legal Services [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 30 m | 2 h 30 m | |
07-12-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | ESG and Corporate Governance in Natural Resources and Energy Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
06-12-2021 | Propriété intellectuelle, Gestion de la pratique, Technologie | Enhance Your Social Media Profile and How to Do It Ethically [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
06-12-2021 | Droit immobilier | Practical Solutions to Tricky Real Estate Issues [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 15 m | 1 h | 15 m |
06-12-2021 | Droit administratif | Tackling Delays in Administrative Law: Key Updates on Practice and Procedures [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
03-12-2021 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | How to Provide Effective and Meaningful Legal Services to Persons with Disabilities [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 30 m | 1 h |
03-12-2021 | juristes d'expression française | [POSTPONED] Droit de la propriété intellectuelle : enjeux et tendances concernant les marques de commerce et droits d’auteur | Non | 1 h | | |
02-12-2021 | ADSG | The Afghan Crisis and 2SLGBTQI+: Critical insights and Helpful Solutions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | | 1 h |
02-12-2021 | ADSG | SOGIC Annual Holiday Social [VIRTUAL EVENT] | | | | |
02-12-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources, Jeunes avocats | Environmental Assessment Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | 15 m | |
02-12-2021 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Understanding the New Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act [PART 2] - WEBCAST ONLY | Non | 3 h | | |
02-12-2021 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Cultural Competency & Elder Law: Practical & Ethical Considerations | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
01-12-2021 | Droit municipal | Professionalism in Municipal and Planning Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 3 h 30 m | |
01-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [POSTPONED] Navigating the Transition for Internationally Trained Lawyers (WEBCAST PACKAGE) | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
01-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [POSTPONED] Navigating the Transition for ITLs: Key Insights for Preparing CVs & Cover Letters [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
01-12-2021 | Recours collectif | 13th Annual Class Actions Colloquium [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 6 h 15 m | 30 m | 30 m |
30-11-2021 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | Online Harassment Tort: What You Need to Know and Best Practices for Representing Victims [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
30-11-2021 | Droit des affaires | Commercial Agreements Bootcamp 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 5 h | | 30 m |
30-11-2021 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Considerations for Conducting Trauma-Informed Workplace Investigations and Dealing with Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | | 1 h |
27-11-2021 | Général | Coffee Tasting [ONLINE EVENT] | | | | |
26-11-2021 | Droit de la famille | Moving Forward: Practical Strategies for Efficiently Getting to Resolution [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 45 m | 15 m | |
25-11-2021 | Droit de la construction | Adjudication Under the Construction Act [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
25-11-2021 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Understanding the New Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act [PART 1] - WEBCAST ONLY | Non | 3 h | | |
25-11-2021 | Prévention et règlement des différends | OBA Award of Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
25-11-2021 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Understanding the New Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act [WEBCAST PACKAGE] | | | | |
25-11-2021 | Droit de l'éducation | [POSTPONED] Spotlight on Anti-Black and Anti-Indigenous Racism in the Education System [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
24-11-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law Skill Builder Session 3: LEGAL WRITING – MEMOS, CLIENT LETTERS, MOTION RECORDS [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
24-11-2021 | Général | OBA Book Club Reads – Nothing But The Truth - A Memoir By Marie Henein [ZOOM EVENT] | | | | |
23-11-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Virtual Fireside Chat with Justice Karakatsanis of the Supreme Court of Canada [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
23-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | RODA’s 7th Annual Diversity Conference in Partnership with the OBA: Systemic Change – What Role Will You Play? [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 6 h 30 m |
23-11-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Litigators’ Toolkit: Strategies for Moving Your Case Forward | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
22-11-2021 | Litige civil | Ontario eDiscovery Institute [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 6 h | |
18-11-2021 | Droit des aîné(e)s, Droit de la famille | Aging and Family Law: Critical Insights into Family and Estates Disputes in Blended Families [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
17-11-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | The Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Reference re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act: Impacts on Climate Change Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
16-11-2021 | Droit de la santé | Top Legal Pandemic Issues for Health Care Providers for the Fall of 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
16-11-2021 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | The Essentials of Provincial Nominee Programs: No Job Offer or Target NOC “C” and “D” Occupations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
15-11-2021 | Secteur public | Welcome to the Practice of Public Law: Exploring Careers in the Broader Public Sector [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
15-11-2021 | Droit international | Emerging Trends in International Business Law: Digital Taxes and Border Carbon Adjustments [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
15-11-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Practical Considerations for Reverse Vesting Orders [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
10-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Court Alternatives for International Disputes [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
10-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | INSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World [DAY 2 Webcast Event] | | | | |
10-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Impacts of COVID Restrictions on Business Operations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
10-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Vaccine Policies and Returning to the Office: Best Practices and Insights from Around the Globe in Employment Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | INSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World [Two Day Webcast Event] | | | | |
09-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Cross-Border Estate Planning Considerations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | INSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World [DAY 1 Webcast Event] | | | | |
09-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Pressing Issues in Cyber-Security and International Data Transfer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Your Essential US and EU Privacy Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-11-2021 | Recours collectif | Class Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions Session 5: Case Management of Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-11-2021 | Litige civil, Jeunes avocats | The Civil Trial – Views from the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | | |
05-11-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | A Discussion with Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner on Privacy Law in 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
04-11-2021 | Droit de la famille, Jeunes avocats | Family Law Basics: Practice & Procedure [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h | 2 h | |
03-11-2021 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Critical Labour and Employment Law Updates for Corporate Counsel: Navigating Workforce Transitions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
03-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Imposter Syndrome: How to Build Resilience [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
03-11-2021 | Droit des affaires | Private M&A Deal Point Study [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
02-11-2021 | Droit de la famille | Breaking Down Complex Financial Issues: Self-Employed Income and Executive Compensation Structures [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
02-11-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | ESG in the Natural Resources and Energy Context and Beyond! (Passport Webcast Series) | Non | 3 h | | |
02-11-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | ESG and Sustainable Finance [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
02-11-2021 | Gestion de la pratique | Legal Workforces in Transition: Effective, Efficient, and Equitable Office Management [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
29-10-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Dealing with Digital Evidence for Employment and Labour Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
29-10-2021 | Étudiants | [RE-BROADCAST] Ontario Bar Exam Preparation Tips and Resources | | | | |
29-10-2021 | Étudiants, Jeunes avocats | Are You Feeling the Pinch? Financial Planning in Precarious Times [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
28-10-2021 | Juristes de la pratique générale, exerçant seuls ou en petits cabinets | A Framework for Focus: Getting Leverage [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
28-10-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Introduction to the Ontario Land Tribunal [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
28-10-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Environmental Law Passport Program – Resolving Environmental Disputes at the Ontario Land Tribunal and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h 30 m | | |
27-10-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Intrusion Upon Seclusion: Recent Developments and Emerging Trends [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-10-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law Skill Builder Session 2: STRATEGIES FOR MAXIMIZING YOUR TIME & PROFESSIONALISM AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
27-10-2021 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | Help Me Help You – A Mentoring Event for the Next Generation of Entertainment, Media and Communications Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 15 m | |
26-10-2021 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration, Jeunes avocats | Immigration and Refugee Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 2 h | 45 m | |
26-10-2021 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | Ron Ellis Award for Excellence in Workers' Compensation Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
26-10-2021 | Droit de la construction | Key Legal Issues in Modular Construction [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
26-10-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Solicitor's Negligence Claims: Strategies for Effective Advocacy [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
26-10-2021 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises, Femmes dans la profession juridique | [POSTPONED TO 2022] Pathways to Power: Women as General Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 45 m | 15 m |
26-10-2021 | Recours collectif | Class Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions Session 4: Contested Certification in Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
25-10-2021 | Étudiants | On-Campus Interview Techniques: Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
22-10-2021 | Étudiants | [RE-BROADCAST] Bar Exam Prep Techniques: Best Practices | | | | |
22-10-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Tax Considerations for Estates Planners: Key Issues and Helpful Strategies [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
21-10-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | The Enterprising Lawyer Series B: Business Development - Honing Your “Selling Skills” [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
20-10-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | A Written Financial Plan – The Life-Cycle of Your Money [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
20-10-2021 | Droit pénal | Your Critical Update on Jury Selection [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
20-10-2021 | Litige civil, Jeunes avocats | Summary Trial Essentials [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
20-10-2021 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de l'éducation | Children & Youth Rights: A Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
19-10-2021 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | Pensions and Benefits 19th Annual Hot Spots [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 45 m | |
19-10-2021 | Droit international | Key Developments in Trade Controls and Their Impact on Supply Chain, with Award of Excellence Presentation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | | |
18-10-2021 | Droit administratif | Annual Update on Judicial Review [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
16-10-2021 | Général | THE GRAPE: OBA Wine Community [POWERED BY RALLY] | | | | |
13-10-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | The Thriving Workplace [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
13-10-2021 | Droit des affaires | The New Ontario Business Registry – What You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | | |
13-10-2021 | Prévention et règlement des différends, Litige civil | [CANCELLED] The Future of Arbitration with the NextGen Roster [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
12-10-2021 | Droit fiscal | [POSTPONED TO JANUARY 2022] Speed Mentoring: Practical Advice on Succeeding as a Young Tax Lawyer [ZOOM EVENT] | Non | 30 m | 1 h 30 m | |
12-10-2021 | Recours collectif | Class Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions Session 3: Late Arriving Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
07-10-2021 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Need-to-Know Insights on the Start-Up Visa Program [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 30 m | |
06-10-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | How to Be an Effective Leader [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 45 m | |
06-10-2021 | Droit immobilier, Jeunes avocats | Your First Residential Real Estate Transaction [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 1 h 30 m | |
05-10-2021 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | 20th Annual Charter Conference [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h 30 m | | |
01-10-2021 | Droit fiscal | What You Missed While You Were Away: Summer 2021 Tax Developments [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
01-10-2021 | Droit de la famille | Twelfth Annual Bread and Butter Issues in Family Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h | | |
28-09-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Mastering Due Diligence [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h | 1 h 45 m | |
28-09-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Making and Defending Against Dependants’ Support Claims [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
28-09-2021 | Recours collectif | Class Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions Session 2: Settlements of Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-09-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | The Impact of Infectious Disease Emergency Leave on Constructive Dismissal Claims [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
27-09-2021 | Litige civil | Writing Persuasive Legal Documents [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | 1 h 45 m | |
23-09-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | What to Expect Post-Lockdown in the Insolvency Space [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
22-09-2021 | Droit de la santé | New Developments on Mandatory Revocation Provisions under the Regulated Health Professions Act [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
22-09-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law Skill Builder Session 1: PRACTICE CULTURE, COLLEAGUES, MENTORSHIP AND NETWORKING [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
22-09-2021 | Droit de l'éducation | A New School Year: Legal Issues for Staff and Students [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
21-09-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Innovating for Success: Creating fun products in a technical space [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
21-09-2021 | Droit des assurances | Occupiers’ Liability Act: Litigation and Coverage Insights [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
21-09-2021 | Droit administratif, Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | What the Future Holds for Tribunals Ontario: A Discussion with Executive Chair Sean Weir [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
21-09-2021 | Droit des affaires | Buying and Selling a Business: A Comprehensive Guide [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 5 h 30 m | 30 m | |
20-09-2021 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | PMNOC Litigation: Everything You Want to Know But Are Afraid to Ask [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
20-09-2021 | Droit des Autochtones | Insights and Lessons from the SCC’s Lac Seul First Nation Decision on Equitable Compensation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
16-09-2021 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | TIFF Social [Powered by Rally] | | | | |
15-09-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Vaccine Policies in your Workplace that cover Clients, Customers and Employees [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
15-09-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 8: Insights from Reconsiderations and Appeals [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
14-09-2021 | Recours collectif | OBA Class Actions – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
14-09-2021 | Recours collectif | Class Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions Session 1: Carriage of Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
09-09-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Employment Law Issues during a Bankruptcy, Restructuring and/or Insolvency [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
09-09-2021 | Litige civil, Femmes dans la profession juridique | Exceptional Women of the Bench and Bar [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 45 m | 45 m |
02-09-2021 | juristes d'expression française | Réseautage et mentorat pour les jeunes juristes d’expression française de common law Networking and Mentorship for French-Speaking Young Jurists in Common Law | Non | | 1 h | |
01-09-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 7: Basics of Adjudicative Decision Writing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
26-08-2021 | Général | OBA Mock Trial Mocktails – An evening with friends and colleagues from your legal community! (ONLINE ONLY] | | | | |
26-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [POSTPONED TO NOVEMBER 2021] INSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World A CURATED PREMIERE [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 45 m | 45 m | |
25-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 6: Basics of Adjudicative Reasoning [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
25-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | The Space Debate: Design Solutions for Happy Hybrid Environments [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
24-08-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges Session 6: The View from the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
19-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Book Club Reads – Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
18-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 5: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Raising Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
17-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Recognizing and Mitigating Threats to Law Firm Data Security [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 1 h | |
17-08-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges Session 5: Mastering the Trial [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
12-08-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Privacy Protections, Artificial Intelligence and PIPEDA [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
11-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 4: Traits of Successful Adjudicators: Impartiality, Independence and Integrity [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
10-08-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges Session 4: Preparing for the Trial [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
28-07-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 3: Accessibility and the Tribunal Hearing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
27-07-2021 | Étudiants, Jeunes avocats | Navigating the Transition: From “Student-At-Law” to “Lawyer” [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
27-07-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges Session 3: Navigating the Procedure and Orders Giving Directions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
27-07-2021 | Général | OBA Community – Cheese & Beer (Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic) Tasting [WEBCAST EVENT] | | | | |
21-07-2021 | Droit de la famille | Family Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
21-07-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 2: Managing the Hearing Room: Setting the Stage, Interactions with Counsel, Witnesses, the Public and Staff [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
20-07-2021 | Droit immobilier | New Document Registration Agreement, Lending Client Definition and Anti-Money Laundering Provisions – Understanding the Practical Implications [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 1 h 30 m | |
20-07-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges Session 2: Gathering the Evidence and Establishing the Grounds [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
16-07-2021 | Droit fiscal | Tax Court of Canada: Effective Advocacy for Litigators [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
15-07-2021 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Pathways to Power: Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
14-07-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
14-07-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program Session 1: Applying to an Appointment on an Administrative Tribunal [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
13-07-2021 | Étudiants | Navigating the Transition: From “Law Student” to “Student-At-Law” [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
13-07-2021 | Juristes de la pratique générale, exerçant seuls ou en petits cabinets, Gestion de la pratique | TECHxpo 2021: REIMAGINE TOMORROW [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 15 m | |
13-07-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges Session 1: Preparing the Application [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
30-06-2021 | Recours collectif | Before the Claim: Fundamentals of Class Actions Law, Part II [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
29-06-2021 | Droit de la construction | OBA Award of Excellence in Construction and Infrastructure Law 2021 Award of Excellence and Virtual IPD Project Tour [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
29-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Five Critical Steps to Success and Happiness In Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
29-06-2021 | Droit de la santé | OBA Health Law Section Year End Program and Award Presentation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | | |
29-06-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Environmental Law Mentorship [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 45 m | 45 m | |
29-06-2021 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check In: How Does Your Firm Measure Up? (Part 2) - WEBCAST ONLY | Non | | 1 h | |
28-06-2021 | Droit des Autochtones | The Future of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People in Ontario [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
24-06-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | OBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
24-06-2021 | Droit des affaires, Jeunes avocats | Corporate Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h 30 m | 30 m | |
24-06-2021 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | CCCA Ontario Chapter Award of Excellence [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
24-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Southwest Region: OBA Bench & Bar Event [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 30 m | |
24-06-2021 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | Understanding the Fundamental Freedom of Peaceful Assembly: Current Challenges & Future Issues [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
23-06-2021 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | Diversity and Inclusion in the Courtroom [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
23-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Life after Vaccinations: What should we expect? [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
22-06-2021 | Droit international, Jeunes avocats | Advocacy & International Trade: Best Practices for Virtual Dispute Resolution [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
22-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Work that Works: Point Counterpoint Expert Exchange [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
22-06-2021 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | OBA Award of Excellence in Pensions & Benefits Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
22-06-2021 | Droit relatif aux franchises | Identifying, Protecting, and Enforcing Confidential Information in the Franchise Industry [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
22-06-2021 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check In: How Does Your Firm Measure Up? (Part 1) - WEBCAST ONLY | Non | | 1 h | |
21-06-2021 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Elder Law Day: A Conference for Lawyers and Other Professionals Assisting Seniors [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | | |
16-06-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies, Jeunes avocats | Your First Estate Administration [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h 45 m | 1 h | |
16-06-2021 | Droit fiscal | OBA Award of Excellence in Taxation Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
15-06-2021 | Droit pénal, Droit de la famille | New “Family Violence” Definitions and Other Key Issues at the Intersection of Family Law and Criminal Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
15-06-2021 | Prévention et règlement des différends, Droit des affaires | ADR Clauses in Shareholder Agreements: Managing Risk and Relationships [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
14-06-2021 | ADSG | Pride Month 2021 / Mois de la fierté 2021 | | | | |
14-06-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Receivership versus Bankruptcy: Assessing Your Enforcement Options [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
10-06-2021 | Prévention et règlement des différends, Droit des assurances | [POSTPONED TO FALL 2021] Your Essential Guide to Mediating Insurance Claims [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | | 30 m |
10-06-2021 | Droit municipal | The OBA Barnet Kussner Award of Excellence in Municipal Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
09-06-2021 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Your Critical Introduction to Retirement Home Tenancies [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
09-06-2021 | Droit international | Legal Writing for International Trade Law Practitioners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-06-2021 | Secteur public | Ethical Challenges in Public Law & OBA Tom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 15 m | |
08-06-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information, Jeunes avocats | Privacy Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 45 m | 30 m | |
08-06-2021 | Droit des affaires | 19th Annual OSC, TSX and IIROC Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
02-06-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | CLUC Education Day Webinar | | | | |
02-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 8: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Raising Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
01-06-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Innovation in Trusts & Estates Law 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | 1 h 15 m | |
01-06-2021 | Litige civil, Jeunes avocats | Regional Round-Up: Key Updates for Civil Proceedings Across Ontario [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
28-05-2021 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | MOF/OSFI/CRA/FSRA/DOF Forum 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
28-05-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | 8th Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
27-05-2021 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes | Virtual Proceedings Involving Children and Youth: Challenges and Opportunities [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-05-2021 | Jeunes avocats | In the Fast Lane: Speed Mentorship for Young Lawyers [Zoom Event] | Non | | 1 h | |
26-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 7: Basics of Judicial Decision Writing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
26-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | In Matters of Equality, We Must Be Ever Vigilant [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
26-05-2021 | Droit administratif, Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Annual Update on Human Rights [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 3 h 30 m | | 2 h |
20-05-2021 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | How to Establish, Manage and Monitor an Effective Compliance Regime for In-House Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
20-05-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Navigating Bank Processes While Administering an Estate [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
19-05-2021 | Général | Parent and Caregiver Network Program Co-Parenting Through the Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
19-05-2021 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | Recreational Cannabis: Key Intellectual Property and Advertising Issues [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
19-05-2021 | Droit immobilier | The Spring Mix – Real Estate Issues You Need to Know! [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 2 h 45 m | 30 m | |
19-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 6: Basics of Judicial Reasoning [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
19-05-2021 | Étudiants | Bar Exam Prep Techniques: Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
18-05-2021 | Droit de la famille | Family Law Mentorship Roundtable [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
18-05-2021 | Gestion de la pratique | Communication on Virtual Platforms: Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
18-05-2021 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | Television and Film Financing: Challenges and Strategies [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
18-05-2021 | Recours collectif | Advanced Ethical Issues for Class Action Practitioners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 15 m | 15 m |
18-05-2021 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | The OBA Award of Excellence in the Promotion of Women's Equality [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
18-05-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | 19th Annual Current Issues in Employment Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h 30 m | 1 h 30 m | |
14-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Lawyers Read The Memo – What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table [Zoom Event] | | | | |
13-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Parent and Caregiver Network Program Financial Planning Essentials for Lawyers | | | | |
12-05-2021 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Business Development in Today’s Market [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
12-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 5: Managing the Courtroom: Setting the Stage, Interactions with Counsel and Witnesses [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
12-05-2021 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | Annual Update on Workplace Safety and Insurance Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 45 m | 1 h 15 m | |
12-05-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 7 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
11-05-2021 | Droit des aîné(e)s, Droit de la santé | Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission Report | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
11-05-2021 | Droit international | International Trade Law Insights: Dumping and Subsidies [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-05-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Effective Advocacy for Young Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 30 m | |
05-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | French Language Rights and Obligations: What All Lawyers Should Know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
04-05-2021 | Droit administratif, Jeunes avocats | Adjudicative Tribunal Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 30 m | 30 m | |
03-05-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Privacy Law Summit [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 6 h | | |
03-05-2021 | Droit de la santé | Health Law in 2020-2021 – Major Case Law Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
30-04-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Critical Update on Legislative and Regulatory Changes in Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
29-04-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Effective Advocacy in Negotiations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
29-04-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Social Thursday on Zoom [Zoom Event] | | | | |
29-04-2021 | Droit de la construction | An Evening with the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | 1 h | |
29-04-2021 | Prévention et règlement des différends, Droit de la famille | New Duties of Legal Advisors under Family Law Legislation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | 30 m | |
29-04-2021 | Général | Socialize with your East Region Colleagues. Eat & Cook with Award Winning Chef Joe Thottungal. Feed the Community at the Same Time! [Zoom Event] | | | | |
29-04-2021 | Droit fiscal, Femmes dans la profession juridique | Women in Tax: Could this be your Calling? [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
28-04-2021 | Droit fiscal | Federal Budget 2021 – What You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
28-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 4: Overturned: Insights from Appeals Court Judges [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
27-04-2021 | Droit des affaires | Secured Transaction Essentials for Business Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 30 m | | |
27-04-2021 | Droit administratif | Judicial Insight on Administrative Law, Advocacy and Practice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-04-2021 | Litige civil | Top Appeals of 2020 from the Ontario Court of Appeal [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | 30 m | |
22-04-2021 | Prévention et règlement des différends | ADR Mentorship Circle: Building a Successful ADR Practice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
21-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 3: Equality and Impartiality [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
16-04-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | The Intersection of Pensions and Benefits Law and Insolvency Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
14-04-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 6 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
14-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 2: Judicial Independence, Integrity and Diligence [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
14-04-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi, Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail, Jeunes avocats | Introduction to Workplace Safety and Harassment Law and Investigations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | 30 m | |
13-04-2021 | Droit immobilier | Key Transactional Issues Regarding Condominiums [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 3 h | | |
09-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Parent and Caregiver Network Program Taking Stock of Youth Mental Health – Supports & Resources [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
08-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Lawyers Read 25 Rules for Success & 10 Tips to Enjoy the Practice of Law (Zoom Event) | | | | |
08-04-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | An Evening with Your Honourable Estates List Judges [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
08-04-2021 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Trader /Investor Visas into Canada: The NAFTA/CUSMA’s Best Kept Secret! [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Strengthen Your Mental Fitness: Enhance Performance and Recovery (WEBCAST ONLY) | Non | | 1 h | |
08-04-2021 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Winding Up a Charity or a Not-For-Profit (Webcast) | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle, juristes d'expression française | Sucre et causeries [Webinaire Zoom seulement] | | | | |
07-04-2021 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | Service Providers’ Obligations under Bill C-11 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
07-04-2021 | Droit relatif aux franchises | E-Commerce: Issues to Consider when Transitioning your Business Online [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
07-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 1: The Judicial Application and Appointment Process [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
07-04-2021 | Secteur public | Recent Top Decisions Public Sector Lawyers Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
07-04-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Who’s On the Hook? Contaminated Site Litigation Case Law Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
06-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Increasing Diversity on the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
01-04-2021 | Droit des assurances | Motor Vehicle Tort Litigation: Your Essential Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
01-04-2021 | Prévention et règlement des différends | Navigating the Tax Consequences of Settling Commercial Disputes [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
31-03-2021 | Droit administratif | Key Advocacy and Adjudicative Skills in a Virtual World [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 2 h | |
30-03-2021 | Droit municipal | Municipal and Planning Law: Creating and Managing Successful Relationships in Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | 30 m |
30-03-2021 | Droit fiscal | Key Insights on Virtual Business Development for Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
26-03-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Young Lawyers: You Can Be Diversity & Inclusion Changemakers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
26-03-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | [PROGRAM CANCELLED] Natural Resources and Energy Law: Mentoring for Success [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 1 h | |
25-03-2021 | Droit de la construction | Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Potential Pitfalls Along the Road to Applying the New Construction Act [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
25-03-2021 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Practical Strategies for Women in Law: How to Grow and Thrive During Challenging Circumstances [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
25-03-2021 | Étudiants | Ontario Bar Exam Preparation Tips and Resources [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
25-03-2021 | Litige civil | Callow and Wastech: Examining the Recent SCC Decisions on the Duty of Good Faith [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
24-03-2021 | Litige civil, Jeunes avocats | Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | 1 h | |
23-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Key Update for Class Action Practitioners: Amended Consolidated Provincial Practice Direction and Case Management Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
23-03-2021 | juristes d'expression française | Journée internationale de la Francophonie de 2021: Mises à jour en matière de services en français et de droits linguistiques / International Francophonie Day 2021: French Language Services and Language Rights Update | | | | |
22-03-2021 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | Game on: E-Sports and Video Game Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
22-03-2021 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes | Advanced Issues in Child Protection Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | 2 h |
17-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | COVID-19 Vaccinations: Implications for Condominiums and Apartment Complexes [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
11-03-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | An Estates Solicitor’s Essential Tax Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-03-2021 | Droit de la santé | Enhancing your Skills and Strategy for Appearances Before the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-03-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 5 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
10-03-2021 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Annual Update on Contract Drafting [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-03-2021 | Recours collectif, Jeunes avocats | Fireside Chat with Class Actions Bench and Bar [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 45 m | 15 m | |
10-03-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Digging Into Ontario’s Brownfield Redevelopment Process [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
09-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | DBplus – A Defined Benefit Pension Plan for Law Firms [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
04-03-2021 | Litige civil, Jeunes avocats | Your First Civil Trial [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 3 h | 30 m | |
04-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Roll out to Recovery: Speaker Series Rapid Antigen Screening: The Role it Plays in the Road to Recovery [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
04-03-2021 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Understanding Charities’ and Non-Profits’ Financial Statements and Tax Returns [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
04-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | International Women's Day 2021 Supporting women in the legal professions and judiciary in the age of COVID-19 Journée internationale des femmes 2021 : Appuyer les femmes au sein des professions juridiques et du système de justice à l’ère de la COVID-19 [WEBCAST EVENT] | | | | |
03-03-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Protecting Privacy in Commercial Transactions in 2021 and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 30 m | | |
03-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Mock-Trial Mocktails – An evening with your OBA community [ZOOM EVENT] | | | | |
01-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Requesting Proof of COVID-19 Vaccinations from Customers and Clients [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
26-02-2021 | Droit des assurances | Going Under Cover: Coverage for Non-Coverage Insurance Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
26-02-2021 | Droit de la famille | Your Guide to New and Revised Family Law Forms [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
25-02-2021 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration, Droit pénal | Recognizing and Responding to the Intersection Between Immigration Law and Criminal Law Matters [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
25-02-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Fireside Chat with Your Honourable Ottawa Estates Judges [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
25-02-2021 | Droit fiscal, Femmes dans la profession juridique | [PROGRAM CANCELLED] An Evening of Networking with Prominent Women Tax Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 45 m | 1 h 15 m | |
25-02-2021 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | Accommodation and Return to Work: Developing a Collaborative, Systemic Approach [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | | |
24-02-2021 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Annual Corporate Governance Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
24-02-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Artificial Intelligence Tools and Algorithmic Bias: What Lawyers Must Know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 30 m | 30 m |
24-02-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Workplace Harassment Investigations: What you need to know before, during and after [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | 1 h | |
24-02-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | OBA Randall Echlin Mentorship Award [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
24-02-2021 | Droit des aîné(e)s, ADSG | Critical Legal Issues Impacting LGBTQ Individuals as They Age [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 45 m | | 45 m |
23-02-2021 | Droit de la famille, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux, Testaments, successions et fiducies | Key Intersection Points of Pensions and Benefits Law with Family and Trusts and Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
23-02-2021 | Droit des affaires | Understanding Corporate Reorganizations: Amalgamations, Liquidations and Wind-Ups [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
22-02-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Blocko – Your Virtual Community Block Party [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
19-02-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Winter bLaws: Virtual Edition [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
18-02-2021 | Droit des assurances | [RESCHEDULED to April 7 & 8, 2022] Anatomy of a Trial: Successful Trial Strategy | Non | 9 h | 3 h | |
18-02-2021 | Droit immobilier | Understanding Title Insurance: Surveys, GST/HST Liens, Fraud, and Building Permit Claims [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
18-02-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Assessing Credibility in a Virtual World | Non | 30 m | 30 m | |
17-02-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | A Primer on US Chapter 11 Bankruptcy [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
16-02-2021 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | 5G and Beyond: The Latest in Telecommunications Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
10-02-2021 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Privacy Law Implications for In-House Counsel of the Digital Charter Implementation Act (Bill C-11) [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
10-02-2021 | Recours collectif | Current Issues in Securities Class Actions: Materiality and the Public Correction [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-02-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Virtual Advocacy Basics for Young Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 30 m | |
08-02-2021 | Droit de la santé | Effective Advocacy Before Health Discipline Committees [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
04-02-2021 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources, Droit municipal | INSTITUTE SERIES – Building Communities [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 11 h | 2 h 30 m | |
03-02-2021 | Droit des affaires, Droit de la famille, Testaments, successions et fiducies | INSTITUTE SERIES – Serving The Family: Critical Insights on Issues Impacting Families in Corporate, Estates and Family Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 13 h | 2 h | 1 h |
01-02-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Roll Out To Recovery: Speaker Series Your Vaccine Questions Answered: Safety and Effectiveness in the Context of Rapid Approval and More [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
30-01-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Annual General Meeting [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
29-01-2021 | Étudiants | OBA Edge Live Zoom Chat Ace Your Virtual Interview [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
28-01-2021 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Your Critical Update on What is Happening at Ontario Ports of Entry | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
28-01-2021 | Droit des affaires | Business Law Section Winter Social [Zoom Event] | | | | |
28-01-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle, juristes d'expression française | Bilan 2020 : survol des arrêts clés de l’année rendus par les cours d’appel Hindsight 2020: Key Appellate Decisions from the Past Year | Non | 1 h 15 m | | 15 m |
28-01-2021 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Vaccination Requirements and Other Pandemic Related Issues in the Workplace [WEBCAST ONY] | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
27-01-2021 | Droit fiscal | 2020 Tax Law Developments: Impact and Future Implications | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-01-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Stocking Your Resilience Toolbox: Proactive Stress Management [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
27-01-2021 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Key Bankruptcy and Insolvency Issues in Personal Injury Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
26-01-2021 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | The Impact of the SCC’s Decision in Fraser on Pensions Law and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
26-01-2021 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | OBA WLF & GLC: Speed Mentoring 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
21-01-2021 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Pathways to Power: Women in Access to Justice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
18-01-2021 | Droit immobilier | Developments in Condominium Law Arising from the Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
14-01-2021 | Droit immobilier | OBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
14-01-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | A Conversation with Experienced Estate Planners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
13-01-2021 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 4 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
16-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
02-12-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
25-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
18-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
04-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [SOLD OUT] CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
01-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Premium Training and Support Package | | | | |
01-11-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Lawyers Link Packages | | | | |
21-10-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
07-10-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [SOLD OUT] CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
23-09-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
16-09-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
01-09-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Premium Training and Support Package | | | | |
26-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
12-08-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
29-07-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
22-07-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [SOLD OUT]CaseLines Hands-On Training Class | Non | | 2 h | |
15-07-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
24-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
17-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
10-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
03-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
01-06-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Premium Training and Support Package | | | | |
27-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
20-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
13-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
06-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
01-05-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Premium Training and Support Package | | | | |
29-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
15-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
01-04-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | CaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT] | Non | | 2 h | |
18-03-2021 | Droit de la famille | [WEBCAST REPLAY] Motions to Change: Spousal Support Variation | Non | | 3 h | |
16-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | [WEBCAST REPLAY] Requesting Proof of COVID-19 Vaccinations from Customers and Clients | Non | 1 h | | |
15-03-2021 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle, Droit du travail et de l'emploi | [WEBCAST REPLAY] Vaccination Requirements and Other Pandemic Related Issues in the Workplace | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
18-08-2021 | Droit de la famille | Family Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer PART 4: Legal Impacts of Family Violence (Archived Video Stream) | Non | 2 h 30 m | | |
11-08-2021 | Droit de la famille | Family Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer PART 3: Proving Family Violence and Managing Family Violence Concerns Through the Legal Process (Archived Video Stream) | Non | 2 h 30 m | | |
28-07-2021 | Droit de la famille | Family Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer PART 2: Identifying Family Violence and Selecting the Appropriate Process Option (Archived Video Stream) | Non | 2 h | 30 m | |
21-07-2021 | Droit de la famille | Family Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer PART 1: Understanding Family Violence and its Impact on Your Role as Lawyer (Archived Video Stream) | Non | 1 h 30 m | 1 h | |
13-07-2021 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges: A Series (Archived Video Stream) | | | | |