Communiqués de presse

Contact pour les demandes des médias:
Michael Speers,, Gestionnaire, Communications et relations avec les médias (416) 869-1047 poste 365,

Celebrating a “Lawyer’s Lawyer”

  • 28 octobre 2016

Toronto, ON -- A highly-regarded Toronto lawyer will be recognized for his excellence and contributions to the practice of civil litigation next week.

Ontario Bar Association Wins International Award for Effective Use of Technology

  • 28 juillet 2016

The Ontario Bar Association (OBA), representing more than 16,000 lawyers working in the province, has won an international award for its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to the legal profession. OBA Institute 2016, the association’s signature CPD event has been recognized with an Award of Outstanding Achievement in the “Technology” category from the Association For Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA).

OBA Announces New Awards for Excellence in Tax and Health Law

  • 18 février 2016

Each year, the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) recognizes lawyers who demonstrate both a commitment to our member-based organization that advances the interests of the justice system and who make valuable contributions to specific practice areas. The OBA has two new awards for outstanding contributions in the practice of health and taxation law.


  • 27 janvier 2016

The Ontario Bar Association (OBA) hosts Canada’s largest annual legal gathering from February 2-6, 2016. Now in its 41st year, OBA’s Institute 2016 is the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) event for Ontario lawyers in every practice area with more than 30 programs and networking events.

Patricia Jackson Honoured By Ontario Bar Association

  • 19 octobre 2015

TORONTO – The Ontario Bar Association (OBA) is honouring Patricia Jackson, one of Canada’s most successful civil litigation lawyers, with its prestigious Award for Excellence in Civil Litigation.