The Community

Written by lawyers for lawyers, by its very nature JUST. is an extension of the OBA community. Learn how your peers are dealing with common challenges; read about the struggles and achievements of your favourite legal icons and hear what other lawyers have to say about the state of affairs within the legal profession.  This section is all about learning, sharing and exchanging, lawyer to lawyer.

Man wearing Google glasses under a sign that reads GLASS

Google Glass

  • August 01, 2013
  • Fazila Nurani and Sujoy Chatterjee

A Challenge to Privacy as We Know It

collage of buzzwords like crowdsourcing, police, cooperate, media and vigilante

Wisdom of the Crowd

  • August 01, 2013
  • James Morton

Crowdsourcing is a fairly new buzzword in the media these days, with thousands of citizens forming online communities to get involved in prominent investigations such as the recent Boston bombings, the 2011 Vancouver hockey riots and the tragic cyberbullying cases of Amanda Todd and Rehtaeh Parsons. In the criminal justice system, however, the crowdsourcing concept is not as new as some may think.

Man and woman walking down hallway in front of Gowlings

Open Doors: A Peek into Ontario Law Firms

  • April 01, 2013

Five firms, varying in size, location and specialty, open their doors to share with us their unique working culture, and how that culture is intertwined with the strength of their local community.

Man trapped within a box

An Untenable Situation

  • February 01, 2013
  • Anthony Marchetti

What happens when your duty to the client conflicts with your duty to the court?

man in a suit standing on a rock in middle of lake, waves crashing around him

Tides of Change in Legal Employment

  • February 01, 2013
  • Gloria Song

Employment patterns have changed drastically in the legal industry and nowhere is it more apparent than on the resumes of new lawyers.