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BYOD Tips for the Modern Law Firm

  • 18 décembre 2016
  • Sheryl L. Johnson

Given clients’ evolving expectations concerning instant access to our legal services, 24/7 communications and remote meetings, lawyers and their employees use mobile devices and other technology every day, whether it be in the office or while working offsite.

À quoi ressemblera la pratique du droit en 2027?

  • 18 décembre 2016
  • Propos recueillis par Sam R. Sasso

Nous avons demandé à sept avocats de sortir leur boule de cristal pour nous donner leurs prédictions sur l’avenir de la pratique du droit en 2027.

Lawyers with a Calling

  • 14 décembre 2016

What has been your best moment as a lawyer? We asked OBA members to share theirs, and whether it’s through client interactions, volunteer activities or a win in court, it’s obvious that lawyers find their calling in more ways than one.

In Remembrance: The Law and Literature of Arthur S. Bourinot

  • 10 novembre 2016

On Remembrance Day, the Ontario Bar Association looks back at the tradition of lawyers serving their country in practice and in times of conflict. This year we review the contributions of the late Arthur S. Bourinot; a soldier, lawyer, and accomplished poet.