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Financial Services Exclusively for the Legal Community

  • 07 mars 2017

As a CBA member, you have direct access to insurance and investment products offered through the Canadian Bar Insurance Association (CBIA). Significant buying power allows CBIA to work with insurers to develop and offer quality protection and wealth products – many that aren’t available anywhere else – at extremely competitive rates.

OBA Trailblazer: Lincoln Alexander

  • 27 février 2017
  • Louise Harris

In March of 2007, the OBA had the great privilege of interviewing the Hon. Lincoln Alexander, CC, QC, OOnt, a celebrated lawyer who served as first black MP in the House of Commons and Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, among many other extraordinary accomplishments.

Successful Goal-Setting: Looking Back to Get Ahead

  • 14 février 2017
  • Ivan Mitchell Merrow

In a 2016 JUST. article on goal-setting, Ivan Merrow pledged to bring in his first client by year's end. One year later, he takes a look back at how he followed through.

Stadium with all lights on the field

Les règles du jeu : tenants et aboutissants du droit du sport

  • 02 février 2017
  • Marco Ciarlariello and Michael Weizel

Marco Ciarlariello et Michael Weizel, deux aspirants avocats en droit du sport, s’entretiennent avec quatre avocats chefs de file sur les réalités de la pratique dans l’industrie du sport, et ils réalisent que, malgré son côté prestigieux, un avocat a besoin d’entraînement, de discipline et de redoubler d’effort pour connaître du succès.