Ontario Court of Justice - Central East Region

  • 14 juillet 2021

For the latest information from the Courts and MAG, including the latest courthouse COVID-19 updates, visit the OBA Courts Reopening page

OCJ Resumption of In-Person Criminal Hearings at Select Courthouses

The OCJ issued a new Notice to the Profession and the Public regarding the resumption of in-person criminal hearings in certain locations. Preliminary inquiries and in-person criminal trials in Gore Bay, Orillia, and Woodstock that were delayed by the September 11th Notice to the Profession and the Public will now begin resuming on September 16, 2020.

OCJ Notice to the Profession Regarding Resumption of In-Person Family Law Matters

The OCJ issued a new Notice to the Profession and the Public related to the resumption of in-person family matters proceedings at certain OCJ courthouses. The Ministry of the Attorney General has advised that it is not satisfied with the health and safety measures in place to allow in-person family matters proceedings to resume on September 14, 2020 in Stratford and Woodstock.

OCJ (Provincial Offences Act Matters): Sept 10th Update

The OCJ has issued an Order pursuant to s. 85 of the Provincial Offences Act to extend certain time periods for proceedings in the OCJ. This Order supersedes the Order made on March 15, 2020 extending timelines under the Provincial Offences Act until April 23, 2020. The time limits prescribed by the following provisions are extended until December 1, 2020.

OCJ: Update on Provincial Offences Act Matters

The OCJ has revised its May 19th Notice to Counsel/Paralegals and the Public regarding Provincial Offences Act matters. In-person proceedings will not be conducted for Provincial Offences Act matters until at least October 19, 2020. However, Provincial Offences Act matters may proceed remotely beginning on September 28, 2020. Judicial pre-trials and early resolution guilty pleas may also be held remotely. 

OCJ Notice to the Profession regarding Resumption of Criminal Trials and Preliminary Hearings

As of September 14, 2020, trials and preliminary hearings will resume at select OCJ courthouses in the Central East, Central West, East, Northeast, Northwest and West regions. The Notice also outlines specific protocols for filing application materials, witnesses and the establishment of the special COVID-19 Trial Readiness Courts. For more information, see the Notice here.