News update

News update

Legal Aid Ontario Expedited Rates for Bail Reviews

  • 17 avril 2020

LAO as a temporary and emergency measure to address the COVID pandemic will provide expedited transcript rates for bail reviews. These expedited rates will be offered as an inherent disbursement on the billing portal. LAO hopes to have made the necessary changes to the billing portal by early next week. Recall that LAO has recently, as a response to the COVID pandemic, waived any assessment of merit in issuing bail review certificates.

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario

  • 17 avril 2020

On March 18, 2020, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (“AGCO”) announced a three month extension for the terms of all active liquor, gaming and cannabis licences, authorizations and registrations. The AGCO will now be further extending the term of all active liquor, gaming and cannabis licences, registrations and authorizations by three additional months to September 18, 2020.

Canadian Securities Administrators issues additional relief orders

  • 17 avril 2020

The Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) published a relief order that provides registrants with six additional months to comply with the conflicts of interest provisions in the Client Focused Reforms. The CSA published a second relief order that provides that the relationship disclosure provisions of the Client Focused Reforms will take effect on December 31, 2021.

FSRA issues guidance for insurers providing relief

  • 17 avril 2020

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) has released guidance for insurers about options for providing customers with financial relief during this temporary declared emergency period. This guidance supports the implementation of amendments to Ontario Regulation 7/00 (“Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices – UDAP”) approved by the Ontario Government on April 15, 2020.

OSC waiving all late fees between April 17 and June 1

  • 17 avril 2020

The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) announced that it will be providing temporary relief to market participants by waiving all late fees that accumulate between April 17, 2020 and June 1, 2020. Entities subject to fees under Part 4 of OSC Rule 13-502 Fees are not included in the relief as they will not accumulate late fees during this relief period.

Increased Federal aid for Business

  • 16 avril 2020

As of April 16, 2020 expanded the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) to businesses that paid between $20,000 and $1.5 million in total payroll in 2019.

Ontario Extends Declaration of Emergency

  • 14 avril 2020

On the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health the Ontario government is extending the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act for a further 28 days.