Up-to-date Sector Information

AstraZeneca Vaccine Available to People 40 and Over

  • April 19, 2021

As of Tuesday, April 20, individuals 40 and over will be eligible to receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at pharmacies and primary care settings. You must have an appointment to get vaccinated at a participating pharmacy.

Ontario Imposes Stay-at-Home Order

  • April 07, 2021

A strict provincial stay-at-home order was set to go into effect on Thursday, April 8, at 12:01 a.m. after the provincial government declared a state of emergency in order to try to stop the growing number of COVID-19 cases in Ontario. It is expected to last at least four weeks.

Ontario Implements Provincewide Emergency Brake

  • April 01, 2021

Thursday afternoon, the provincial government announced that it is imposing a provincewide emergency brake in response to rising rates of COVID-19 across Ontario, beginning at 12:01 am on Saturday, April 3, 2021. The emergency brake is expected to last for at least four weeks.

Additional Phase 2 Vaccination Details

  • March 31, 2021

MAG has recently shared with the justice sector a document from the Ministry of Health (MOH) called COVID-19: Guidance for Prioritization of Phase 2 Populations for COVID-19 Vaccination which provides additional clarity to help organizations communicate with staff and make determinations regarding the COVID-19 vaccinations, including helpful information about roles and responsibilities, approach to sequencing of vaccine distribution, and the province’s ethical framework. Those working in the justice sector are encouraged you to continue to monitor the Getting a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario webpage and to connect with your local public health unit for details about when and how you, or your staff, could get a vaccine.

2021 Annual Fee COVID-19 Deferral Option – Deadline March 31

  • March 24, 2021

In November 2020, Convocation approved a plan that allows eligible licensees impacted by the pandemic to apply for a deferral of the payment of their 2021 Annual Fees until 2022. Applications are available on the LSO website, and are being accepted until March 31, 2021 for those licensed before January 1, 2021. For licensees licensed in 2021, an application for the deferral of the payment of 2021 Annual Fees must be submitted by the 30th of the month following the date of licensure.

Appointment Opportunity: Chairperson, Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

  • March 24, 2021

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (“CHRT”) is seeking to appoint a Chairperson. The Tribunal carries out its Canadian Human Rights Act mandate through public hearings of complaints of discrimination based on the grounds enumerated in the Act. The successful applicant must be a member in good standing of the Bar of a province or territory or the Chambre des notaires du Québec for at least ten (10) years and must also have experience, expertise and interest in human rights. For more information on the position and the full job requirements, as well as how to apply, please see the posting here.