Up-to-date Sector Information

Ontario Launches COVID Alert App

  • July 31, 2020

The Ontario government announced today that the new COVID Alert app is available for download. The app, which is a part of the provincial government’s case and contact management strategy as regions enter into Stage 3 of reopening, lets users know if they may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.

Ontario Court of Justice - Update on Criminal Case Management Appearances?

  • July 29, 2020

One July 28, the OCJ issued a Notice to the Profession and the Public related to criminal case management. Given health and safety restrictions, in-person attendances for criminal court case management appearances cannot be accommodated at this time. On Monday August 10, 2020, a virtual criminal case management court pilot will be launched in Ottawa and Kitchener, in which criminal case management appearances will be conducted by videoconference or audioconference.

Ontario Establishes Independent Long Term Care COVID-19 Commission

  • July 29, 2020

On July 29, the Ontario government announced it has launched an independent commission into COVID-19 and long-term care. Three commissions will investigate the impact of COVID-19 within long-term care home and will provide the government with guidance on how to better protect residents and staff of long-term care homes from future outbreaks.

Announced Changes to Employment Standards

  • July 28, 2020

The Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development has announced that as of July 24, declared emergency leave is no longer available under the ESA. In addition, the “COVID-19 Period” will end as of September 4, 2020. For more information click here.

COVID-19 tracing app starts beta testing 

  • July 24, 2020

The Canadian Digital Service, which partners with federal departments to design, test and build services, is beta testing a federal mobile app intended to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by notifying Canadians of exposure. You can learn more or take part in the research here.

All 54 Land Registry Offices closing to public effective October 13, 2020

  • July 06, 2020

Effective October 13, 2020, the Ontario government will be discontinuing land registration counter services at all 54 Land Registry Offices (LROs). This means that October 9, 2020 is the last day LROs will be open to the public. Land Registry staff will continue to provide customer service support, document certification and processing work across the province.

Guelph Courthouses – In-person Criminal and Family matters resuming July 7, 2020

  • July 06, 2020

The Ministry of the Attorney General has advised that it is now satisfied that all of the necessary health and safety measures are in place in the Guelph courthouses to allow in-person proceedings to resume. As a result, the Ontario Court of Justice will resume hearing in-person criminal trials and preliminary inquiries, and in-person family trials, summary judgment motions and other in-person family matters in the Guelph courthouses on July 7, 2020.