Make Your Own Mantra

Mantras boast many psychological benefits, including improving attention, changing your mood, and adding to your peace of mind.

Following are some suggestions from You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job about how to make your own personal mantra:

  1. Choose three things you’d like to change about yourself or your situation and incorporate each into a sentence that begins "I am" (e.g., "I am stressed").
  2. Then write each phrase’s opposite (i.e., "I am stressed," becomes "I am relaxed" or "I am calm").
  3. Write these three statements on a card - dress it up if you like! - and place it somewhere you’ll see it often.
  4. Repeat your three mantras throughout the day as needed and prepare to feel better.

Source: You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job and Other Reminders of Your Awesomeness, Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 2015.